I think I remember flea mentioning Casper putting olives on her fingertips before eating them--which I think is just too adorable.
Um. Am I the only one instantly imagining a third possibility that ends with a trip to the ER?
I caught Owen trying to clean out his own ear with a q-tip he found in my gym bag and I freaked immediately, imagining that he had punctured his ear drum before I could get it away from him.
When my cousin was little, we tried to make him put the olives on his fingers, and he totally didn't care! It was hilarious, because we were all cracking up, and he was like, "WTF, dudes? Don't these go in my mouth??" He must have been like a year and a half.
Casper putting olives on her fingertips before eating them
I still sometimes eat them this way...
My dad rightly pointed out that we'd be disowned if we renamed her so their names would combine into a race car driver's name.
And as I oh-so-sanely pointed out, you don't disown the guy with the cool toys.
Casper putting olives on her fingertips before eating them
Isn't that how you eat olives?
It's how I eat them. And how I taught the Nephlet to eat them. We were working on the concept of "serving sizes" and counting olives leads to wearing olives inevitably.
And as I oh-so-sanely pointed out, you don't disown the guy with the cool toys.
You can if you're married to him. And he loses the cool toys too. Then you don't have twins to put in matching checkered flag outfits and no other cool toys either.
She's staying with that name her parents gave her. No matter how misguided they were.
Thanks for the nice words about mac.
How could we say anything but nice words about mac? He's such a cutie!
Mac as Batman = ADORABLE.
However, this is my favorite pic of him: [link]
Ya got a cute kid, msbelle.
Happy Birthday, Jessica! Or, Birthevening, I guess.
mac is adorable and has the best, best smile.
shrift has the best, best links.