When I was in downtown Evanston a little bit ago, I had this bigass soda left over from lunch. When I paid my parking (in the lobby of the garage) I put my soda on top of the parking-paying-for machine. Then I left it there.
I just thought someone should know.
And if someone sees it there and calls the bomb squad and the Department of Homeland Security, the above is all some fiction stuff I made up.
I love killing natter with tales of celebrity boykissing.
You could kill it dead with pictures.
Check on the day - still in my inside pants. Still working. Somehow this feel so much more efficient.
Fluffy Puppy! - well a young shaggy dog.
I came home and changed back into my pajamas. Pity I'll have to put on the outside clothes and go out to my evening class. But still, pajamas! In the middle of the day!
You could kill it dead with pictures.
You can has video and more video. ETA: And even more video.
Happy Birthday Jessica!
Not only do I have to work today, but I had to be here early, and I forgot that traffic would be light because of the holiday, so I was here really early, and now I want to go home.
Oh god, I'm already dreading my 8am meeting tomorrow. Blerg!
Also, I think I just heard higher-ups say my name across the office, but no one's come to talk to me, so maybe I'm just crazy.
My hallway smells like rotting garbage.