I cannot believe it took you so long to get that! Did I not blather on enough at the Canadian government stealing my nice butterfly knife?
I won't make that mistake again.
Why do I feel compelled to google things ita brings up? Am scarred.
Lee, I've ganked the first one already and am all over the second.
I'd like to point out my neck is so stiff that I can't hear with my left ear properly. There is no justice. Also I have a laptop and a phone that need fixing, multiple insurance payments that insurance isn't making and I'm being hounded for, and the kind of applesauce I have isn't the tasty kind.
It is very wrong, ita.
Not that I imaged googled or anything.
I knew it was you right away, ita, I just wasn't here.
Yes! Suzi. I will see you at 11:00.
eta: Pedicure, maybe?
or something, sure.
I cannot believe it took you so long to get that! Did I not blather on enough at the Canadian government stealing my nice butterfly knife?
I knew that one.
I just was off brushing my cat.
Sorry I was watching Eddie Izzard legos on Youtube. One moment...
Sorry I was having so much fun on the BRQG I forgot I was playing a game. Who said this:
I just had a brief fantasy that we could collect a ton of cash, buy some stock in FOX, and when they canceled, move it to another network and tell them we'd put it back when and if there was a DVD. In my dream, we had a million dollars, and I had a tinfoil hat shaped like an ass.
What are people doing for the weekend?
Went to the American Royal tonight to see the cutting horse competition. It was...interesting, in a odd sort of way. Never would have thought of a horse and a cow dancing nose-to-nose and back-and-forth as a sport.
Tomorrow, a road trip to the Omaha zoo, with some geocaching thrown in.