What exactly is a root canal? It sounds utterly horrifying, but what do they actually do to the tooth?
They drill down through the tooth nerve channels, digging out all the bits that have gone bad. They have to go down through all the roots that go into your gum so they can get everything, otherwise the infection/damage will come back. It wasn't so much the pain with mine as the hours in the dentist chair as he made sure he had found all the roots.
After everything's drilled out, you have a hollow tooth, which needs filled in and crowned so that you can use it again. More hours. Not fun, and I'd think awhile before going through it again, but when you yank a tooth you have to decide between getting a bridge/replacement tooth or just embrace the eventual snaggle-tooth look as your teeth start drifting into the new space.
I just love discussing poop on the office phone.
Our receptionist charged into the office this morning, full of details about how "her girl" (a dog) "had become a woman" (gone into heat). It was way too early for those details.
I just spent the last half-hour cleaning and vacuuming my desk and the surrounding area. It's amazing how those little pieces of glass found their way all over the place. I had to vacuum glass out of my keyboard!
Now I can actually sit at my desk and, you know, do stuff. As soon as I tape some cardboard over the broken panes....
But Teddy got through his re-transplant surgery okay. He was walking around the cage in ICU this evening, which is a good sign. Hubs and his sister may be able to visit him briefly tomorrow. Sister's daughter and I will head up on Saturday, and I'll stay for the Veterans' Day holiday weekend. And possibly an extra day or so -- no decisions on that yet.
This time, the donor was Seamus, a large orange kitty. I haven't met him individually, but Hubs and his sister tell me that he is a combination bundle of love and eating machine. He weighs almost 19 pounds. He and Rigatoni apparently were close friends in the donor colony.
Rigatoni is settling in nicely. He's met Max and Marie a couple of times, briefly. There's been a little sniffing, a little hissing. And Marie has hid under the bed, twice.
That is an awful lot of pussy for a couple of gay guys.
(I'm sorry, but someone had to say it)
Best wishes to Teddy! Congratulations to Rigatoni and Seamus for having a wonderful new home. Max and Marie, relax! It'll all be fine!!!!!
He and Rigatoni apparently were close friends in the donor colony.
I'm imagining The Island if it'd worked this way.
Paying for yesterday's porn adventure by feeling a cold coming on and having a crapload of really boring work to do. Woo. Woo, I say.
God, shrift.
day can't be free porn day.
Well, ita, I guess you don't need to know that Playboy has an L.A. office,
do you.
What are people doing for lunch?