I can testify that pornography on fast-forward is about the funniest thing this side of sliced bread. Everything becomes inappropriately bouncy.
Ha, totally. It's good times.
I've had the seagulls from Finding Nemo saying
porn porn porn porn porn porn porn porn porn
in my head all morning.
I've had the seagulls from Finding Nemo saying porn porn porn porn porn porn porn porn porn in my head all morning.
No fair. Talk about an earworm. Geeeesh.
That's an awesome earworm.
I was almost over my cold, but was coughing a lot this morning, and took a swig of Delsym. Which is apparently now making my head spin here at work. Either that, or the massive bacon AND sausage breakfast burrito I had.
Regardless, I'm a bit useless now.
Good luck shrift!
I want to go eat in Kathy's cafeteria. It's free lunch day here, but the lunch is bordering on disgusting, so now I have to decide if lazy and cheap win out over my tastebuds.
Design your own shoes: Open Source Footwear
IS YOUR IMAGINATION ahead of the whole shoe industry and you're sick of waiting for them to catch up? Here's your chance to go over their heads and deal with someone who actually cares what you want. All that you need is that brilliant idea. Even just for part of a shoe - scribble it down and send it to us. We don't care if it's on a bar napkin, as long as we can make it out. So, fax it, mail it, email it, bring it in, just get it to us!
Will I Be Rich? Are you insane? Nobody gets paid for Open Source Footwear designs because nobody owns them. That's right: once you send us your design, it becomes public domain, freely available to all. We might use the whole thing, base a design of our own on it or just part of it. And your idea might only be for part of a shoe anyway. This keeps everything fair.
I just had the weirdest interaction with my boss. It was like I was getting reprimanded, but I wasn't sure what for, or what to do about it. Confusing!
Well, I just hope you learned your lesson, Missy.
Scola, that doesn't come across all stern when you are in that lounging jacket.
Mmm. Tasty Greek food for lunch.
It is very sad that I'm still metabolising the last shreds of dilaudid. I so very much want to go back to sleep, but at the very least have to swing by the centre and pick up my car this evening before I can lay down my head. Also--do much work.