That's nice of your principal, Erin!
They let us in, eventually, and it actually moved fast. Then the lone gate agent in the Northwest area was actually a bit of a saint, despite being rather harassed, and she booked me a flight out of a different area airport that leaves in an hour. Then she gave me a voucher for a taxi to get there, so I only had to pay tip. So now I'm in the somewhat nicer, larger La Guardia, have 40 minutes until boarding, and am going to be home only a few hours later than expected. Not bad.
My head is hurting, still (stupid hangover), but I can live. Just so long as I don't get hit by any nausea I'll be fine, and I don't think I'll have much if any of that thankfully.
Return to your regularly scheduled Bitches!
Poor Gris. Safe travels! I'm not sure if I should recommend you drink water or not, but hangover begone! ma for you.
Woo, Saturday! We fly to Columbus tomorrow morning so today is a veg day. Good thing, too, because Tom is sick with a cold that just came on yesterday. I figure if he stays in bed today and rests he may feel more human by travelling time.
Oh, Erin, that's great news! Go you!
Nora, I hope Tom feels better. Relax today, you.
So, cable guy is here. I have a DVR! I didn't realize that was what the special was. I thought it was just digital cable, but I HAVE A DVR! I'm so excited!
That's AWESOME, vw!! Nice surprise.
My mom and dad got each other a HDTV for Xmas, so, thanks to the trickle-down familial econ system, I will own a TV that is DVD capable.
I'll be able to buy a cheap DVD player movies in my living room. Not on my computer, in my cold ass office, in a chair. I'll be...on a couch. And warm. How odd. But dude, I know what I'll be doing this Xmas break!!!
Erin, that's awesome. And DVD players are SO cheap these days. I got one at Target for $25. Granted, it's not the best thing on the planet, but it works, and that's all I care about.
I am somewhat hung over, very tired, and stuck in an airport (Newark) that has apparently been shut down.
I'm glad there was a happier sequel, since that sounds like the beginning of a Steven King story.
Yay car! Yay DVR! Boo for the fact that I need to be on the road to Nashville in 24 hours. Not ready. Don't wanna.
(Edited because there's a lot more yay in a DVR than a DVD)
Ginger, did I mention that the package came? If I didn't -- hey, Ginger: the package came! THANK YOU!!!!!
I totally didn't expect that many gardening books, but I'm going to devour them v. soon, so I can plan my garden. And I'm going to hang ornament!Robin from my rearview mirror. (Batman can go on the tree.)
Did you notice the candle's fragrance? It made me laugh.
Paddywax? YES!!! (But it smells GREAT!)