My brother was a huge fan of Tolkein. I read The Hobbit and stopped. He gave me the trilogy for Christmas one year and I picked the first book up many times but I could never get into it. After I saw the first movie I gobbled up the books. I'm not sure if it was me being a more mature reader or having the bonus visual cues that made them so readable at last.
I remember a long time ago trying to watch the movie Catch 22 and not enjoying it at all. Then I tried to read the book and couldn't get into it. I tried the movie again and enjoyed it and then I could appreciate the book. My brain is weird.
When I read Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban I had a real hard time visualizing the character of Sirius. He just didn't fit in my head into the HP universe. Then I found out Gary Oldman had been cast in the part and suddenly Sirius was real to me. I had a point but I think it drowned in my Pinot Gris.
Vortex that sucks! Oh btw Mom says if baking soda doesn't work on the grout that she's had good luck with bleach and an old toothbrush.
I soaked it in oxyclean for a bit. We'll see if that takes care of the problem. ARGH. I'm going to bed. hopefully, I won't bleed out before morning.
Vortex, it would be totally wrong of me to suggest you
stuff a cork in it.
So I won't.
But I'm having fun thinking about it, and hoping you don't kill me too badly. Sleep well.
Turkish delight: I brought "Applets & Cutlets" from Liberty Orchards to Bali, telling people they were made in my home state. They were very popular, and someone told we they were a LOT like Turkish Delight. So now I have some idea of what Turkish Delight is like, so does anybody on this list who has ever eaten "Applets & Cutlets". (Kind of a soft candy made from sweeteners, fruit, and walnuts.The walnuts are in small enough quantities for the candy to stay a soft candy.)
Good morning all! I'm a little too chirpy this morning, but tis the season! How are we all?
For all of my childhood i thought that "turkish delight" was grapes wrapped in lettuce leaves and thinly sliced turkey. At least that's what i called the turkey/lettuce/grape rolls and enjoyed them very much back when i ate of the meat. I was sorely dissappointed when introduced to the real thing.
Jessica, Sean is right. Trust me, you won't even remember it's fantasy by the time you read a few pages. It reads more like historical fiction or political intrigue in many ways, and boy is it brutal. I love that series, too.
I concur. It's like the Medicis meet the Borgias meet
The West Wing
or something.
...aaand the paperwork for me to get a new visa has just arrived by TNT courier.
As there was no letter with it indicating what I was supposed to
with same, I've just phoned Admin guy. He told me to look at the Royal Thai Embassy website and do what it says there.
I have done.
Apparently this is going to cost me
Really not feeling the love right now. And, seriously - I don't think that this mess was my fault, despite my reflex 'clearly I am an idiot' response.
Thus far, absolutely no indication that the school plans to reimburse me, or that he considers this to be in any way his responsibility.
Two. Hundred. Fucking. Pounds.
Oh ugh, Fay. That fucking sucks. And I don't think it was your fault at all.
Speaking of ugh
They were very popular, and someone told we they were a LOT like Turkish Delight. So now I have some idea of what Turkish Delight is like, so does anybody on this list who has ever eaten "Applets & Cutlets". (Kind of a soft candy made from sweeteners, fruit, and walnuts.The walnuts are in small enough quantities for the candy to stay a soft candy.)
Yeah, I'd say those things are the same general family of candy.
But wait, we're missing something. What's a Turkish Delight conversation without Plei around to sing the praises of that horrid Big Turk? [link]
Suzi - Do you have enough resume resources? If not, send my way. profile addy is good. Yesterday sucked, otherwise I would have posted back - but I was afraid I'd be returning it to you with a long screed about how working for other people is the Devil's Own Playground. I'm better now (thanks again shrift & MM).