I find it deeply amusing that when I need religious info, I always turn to my favorite atheist. ND helped me so much while I was teaching the Bible as literature; I don't know what I would have done without him.
Not only could he explain anything I didn't understand, he gave me history, a synopsis of any controversy surrounding the story, and context for how it has been interpreted culturally. That boy KNOWS his Bible.
billytea, too. IIRC, he came to his atheism the same way that ND did; a seriously strong background in Bible knowledge, and then a whole lot of serious thought and wrestling with issues.
Sean, lots of ~ma to you and S.
The guy who wrote Misquoting Jesus was very fundamentalist--went to Moody Bible College, etc. He wanted to be able to read the bible in the original languages so he learned Greek and Hebrew and became a textual critic. Which lead him to his agnosticism.
Aimee, how'd the wedding go?
Hey there, honey!
Sorry. "Hail there, honey!"
Sigh. I had a whole first world rant to have about my sucky contractor but not in the mood. Suffice it to say he is not communicating properly and they are going over schedule without any explanations. Grr.
Oooo, I might be getting a trip to Stockholm for a couple of days at the beginning of February.
I hate you a little right now.
MM and the Empress certainly
each other Biblically. They begat the Princess, after all.
Fun with deduction:
Found this on a gov't document sent to my work. Under what REAL name would I find and file a doc referencing "Gkebbm K"?
Aimee, how'd the wedding go?
It went awesome! It was really beautiful and fun. Hopefully, there will pictures soon.
A Favorite Moment: Our entire immediate family (Mom, Dad, me, bro, sis, her hubby, Joe, and Em) all in a big circle, with our arms around each other and leaning on each other's shoulders, "dancing" and singing to "I'm Stone in Love With You" by The Stylistics. It reminded me that batshit crazy though every last one of us might be, we all love each other very much.
MM and the Empress certainly know each other Biblically. They begat the Princess, after all.
Actually, the Princess is Ethan's.
a seriously strong background in Bible knowledge, and then a whole lot of serious thought and wrestling with issues.
It was not a pleasant time in my life, and it was not an easy conclusion to come to. For me it was also a deep realization that any moral or ethical compass I claim to have pretty much comes from me. I don't have something external to lean on, or to blame. I want to make sure that folks understand that this was all deeply personal for me, and not a judgment or comment on anyone else.