You broke your crochet hook? That's kind of impressive, those suckers are pretty tough.
I need to get off my ass and get to the drug store. My doctor called in a prescription for...something...she told me the name but I didn't write it down...anyway, I'm to try it and see ifit helps with the concentrating and getting shit done and whatnot. it's freaking me out a little bit that it was this easy to get a prescription, but it's also very convenient, so I'm going with it.
Also, gojane has some really cute yellow heels that I really want but none in my size. Pout.
You broke your crochet hook?
I do it all the time. I crochet like mad. I don't like the metal hooks, so I use the Susan Bates plastic ones. I need to start trying some rosewood or something, though. I replace these things like crazy. I should have brought more with me. Duh!
I must be thinking of the metal ones. I like the shiny anodized colors. Of course, mine are safely in a drawer not being used.
vw - I also have a Beverly's craft store 2 blocks from my house. And various crochet and kniting needles (I don't knit) around the house...
Cool. I need some brown yarn for my project too, so if we have time (and energy), I'd love to stop at one.
Ok. They're boarding. See you all later!
OK, this shared office business is going to drive me CRAZY. There are people in here, lots of people (OK, four, but still), and they're talking LOUD, mostly not to me, but STILL. It's seriously giving me the sort of claustrophobic panic attack I normally get when I'm in a very crowded hallway with people physically bumping into me, but I can't SAY anything, because this is a shared office and it's not like I can demand that everyone work in silence! And this one woman, the one with the LOUD grating voice, narrates every move she makes, and it's making me want to SCREAM.
Damn. I liked this job for the first four months. Now I'm starting to hate it. And I'm starting to doubt anything will ever be better.
DJ, you should not have linked me to GoJane. There's some delightfully fun (and slightly tacky, but that's what makes it fun) stuff in there....
Susan, can you wear an unobtrusive iPod?
I love sitting in airplanes on the runway. Nothing like being held prisoner.
The movers come at 8am on Friday, the DH is painting our kitchen in the new!house and I am at work, TOTALLY unable to concentrate. I have no worries about getting it all done, I'm just all antsy.
ETA--good, quick flights to vw and ND!