I got my final grade - B!
Although she never put in all the separate grades we got so I don't know how much extra credit. I figure I was about 4 points from an A. But I'm so damn glad this class is over.
And now I will never have to bitch about her again. Tonight instead of going to class Mom and I are going to eat one of my favorite, fancier places to celebrate.
Next semester I'll be retaking a class so it will help my GPA more than this class did, right now my over all GPA is 1.94, but that's with 5-7 classes I got Fs in because I stopped going to class (either because I was manic or depressed).
Go, you! I'm glad you did well in that class, Askye, and you certainly deserve to celebrate.
my over all GPA is 1.94
My BiL applied to his PhD program at MIT with a GPA of 1.75 and was accepted. He'd flunked out of 4 or 5 undergraduate programs before realizing he pulled it together.
Yesterday my office was 60 degrees. They finally came down and fixed some vent or something -- when I came in this a.m. it was 85. Thank goodness I remembered to dress in layers.
Once I get on a roll and start retaking a bunch of classes it will go up dramatically. I have 2 semesters with nothing but Fs and I'm confident I'll be able to change all of those to As or Bs. Even College Algebra. I have been pessemistic about my abilities with college algebra because of the struggles I've had with basic math skills, thinking well if I suck at that how can I do well at something harder. But hearing about everyone's experiences in math here has really changed me. I'm actually looking forward to it and going to go into the class with an open mind. And I was going to put it off, but I think I'll take that in the Fall.
My BFF wants to be cremated, and have some of her ashes put into the punch, then have everyone do a toast with the punch.
If I become very wealthy, then in my will I'm going to stipulate that in order for my heirs to get the estate, I have to be made into LifeGems and they have to WEAR ME AS JEWELRY.
Luckily for my theoretical heirs, my lifetime plans don't include wealth.
Go askye! Both with the B this semester and the great outlook for the future.
But hearing about everyone's experiences in math here has really changed me. I'm actually looking forward to it and going to go into the class with an open mind.
Reading this makes me very happy.
Go askye! That's wonderful!
Funeral ish stuff -- I have no idea what Dad wants. Mom wants to be cremated, and her ashes put some place. And a big party with lots of laughter and lots of retelling of jokes and stuff like that. She's even said that we could split her up and if my brother and I wanted to keep part of her and toss part of her we could do that, but she hopes we won't hold on to her for too long.
Did we all hear about the math experiment they did with monkeys? It was on the news this morning - they tasked monkeys and college undergrads with a series of math problems to do in their heads.
The undergrads came out