It's chilly here in Seattle, but I ran several errands today, yay! And even found a sexy but classy dress at Value Village for tonight's little black dress party! (I tried on several sexy-but-trashy dresses earlier at a stripper store, and decided it was too much. But this one is a boat-neck, knee length sheath, with a slit up the thigh. It's nice, and I can class it up or down with accessories. I'm thinking the pointy toed stilettos with gratuitous zippers). Though I did not find a coffee table, which was the real reason I went.
Oh Meara, I'd be sooooo good to you, don't mean, never mind.
Other than that whole living-in-another-city and having a boyfriend bit? :) But YAY you'll be in DC while I am!!! I really hope I get to meet you!!
tacklehugs back
Hey, was that a grope!
Mmmm, I'm sure the fruitcake is yummy but we have sugar issues here. Is it hard to make. I've never tried.
It's not hard to make, but it's not an instant gratification kind of project. Lots of soaking of dried fruit, lots of post-baking basting w/ apple brandy.
vw, Aimee's sister's wedding is this weekend (which I only remembered after I called her cel phone), so you might want to post to lj, at least, if you want her to see those.
Oh, right. How did forget that?! Thanks. I'll e-mail it to her.
I thought that punch was retired. It really oughtta be. Or passed on to someone who is still in college.
I tried. I left it up to the people attending the party, it was a question on the invite and it got overwhelmingly requested. I made a smaller batch, and it's actually in a punch bowl this time.
Sorry we won't see you tonight.
Perhaps I'm the only one who just can't drink like that anymore.
Sorry we won't see you tonight.
Yeah me too. I requested to open today and have tomorrow off. I got scheduled to close yesterday, open today and open tomorrow. grr.
So! In CT for my uncle's funeral. Took my dad to the ER for chest pains today. Fun times!
He's fine.
I'm tired.
Ugh Nora that sucks. I'm so glad he's fine.
I'm just at the point where I'm afraid I'm just going to start laughing hysterically at the funeral or when something else goes wrong.
Like, tomorrow there's supposed to be a "wintry mix" storm and what if someone driving to the wake gets in an accident? HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! Get it? Because my uncle died in a horrible car accident! Oh, that'd be rich.
Seriously, I think I'm losing it. But, shhh. I have to be strong.
And don't get me started about how my MIL's caretaker quit this week.
Seriously, if it weren't happening to me, I'd totally be suspecting me of drama queenitude.
PS- I did get a great haircut today though! He broke out the clippers for the nape of the neck. Whoo hoo!