I've just emailed him politely to confirm my current situation (using the 'reply' function from his email of November 13th, so that it's clear that I did tell him I was planning on leaving at Christmas and reminding him that he'd said he was going to sort out our re-entry visas, without me actually having to state it in the body of the email) thus:
K. Pee tells me that because my last re-entry permit expired on November 27th and a new one was never applied for, I will be charged around 9000 baht when I go to the airport today - 500 baht per day of overstay. Also she says that I will have to apply for a new visa over the Christmas holidays, the paperwork for which you will kindly forward to me in England.
Can you confirm that you're going to send me the paperwork for the visa to my parents' address in the UK? And is there anything else I need to do to make sure I can come back for the start of next term?
Thank you in advance for your help - I am sorry to make extra work for you over the holidays.
This may seem too nonconfrontational, but if you think I am overly polite/unwilling to cause offense, then the whole Thai thing about courtesy and loss of face would blow you away. I would gain nothing by being arsey to the bloke. He will already be mortified about the situation - he's generally very on the ball and invariably kind and helpful.
I cc'd it to my Headmistress. Now I'm drafting a letter to her which is a bit of a stickier business - saying that this has happened, and making it clear that I think that the school should cover the fine. Because after a night's sleep and further consideration, I do think the school should cover the fine. Ngah.
Thus far I've got:
I'm sorry to bother you straight after we've broken up, but I wanted to keep you in the loop.
It occurred to me earlier this week that nobody had yet asked for my passport to sort out my re-entry visa, so on Thursday I asked [Admin Guy] if he could arrange for me to go to Immigration after school on Friday to get it done.
Upon reflection, I think that perhaps he sorted everyone else's out back in November, and because my passport was in my possession (because of the trip to Singapore), rather than in his possession, I just got left out. Certainly I didn't hear anything from him after I confirmed by email on November 13th that I would be returning to the UK for Christmas and thus need a re-entry visa. As we've all been pretty busy with brilliant books and parents' meetings and Christmas productions and one thing and another, I didn't give it any consideration until this week.
It turns out that my last re-entry visa expired on November 27th. Because it hasn't been renewed, I'm going to be charged 500 baht for every day of overstay (ie around 9000 baht) when I get to the airport, and will have to apply for a new visa from scratch over the Christmas holiday.
Since I gather we've been paid for December I *will* be able to cover the fine when I get to the airport today - but I hope I'm right in assuming that the school will reimburse me in full.
Again, I'm sorry to have such an unfestive reason for writing, but I'm sure you can understand my concern. I do hope that the rest of your Christmas break will be stress-free and fun-filled.
What do we think?
Crap, GC! Job-ma for your girl!