EM will start actively job-hunting after the holidays, and as soon as she finds something Emmett will go back on her insurance.
I wouldn't count on that. You may not be able to make that change until the open enrollment period. EM could contribute to you, though.
The last time I heard an official explanation of what can only be done at open enrollment versus qualifying events (which I admit was 3+ years ago), getting added on to another family member's insurance was a qualifying event that would justify mid-year changes to insurance benefits. Has that changed?
The Last Camel Died At Noon
This was a title I found it impossible to walk past in the library. It, therefore, was the first Elizabeth Peters novel I ever read. I then had to read my way backwards through the series to find the beginning.
(((Smayhems))) Crap, JZ - I'm so sorry it's panned out like this. Get-A-Payrise-Damn-Soon-ma.
t self-involved mememe
So, in not-so-breaking news, I am
really fucking useless
at being an adult.
Use. Less.
...you know, I could write the full explanation, but it just makes my insides clench up in self-loathing and misery. Suffice it to say that, due to my stupidity/lack of responsibility, it turns out that my visa has expired, and I will have to pay 10,000 baht when I fly out tomorrow. That's more than 300 dollars.
Happily, it looks like we have just been paid, so I
have more than 20 dollars in my bank account after all, and will be able to cover it.
My school is going to have to re-apply for my visa, and I'm going to have to jump through hoops over the Christmas holiday while in th UK, apparently, but should be able to return to Bangkok on the expected day.
(iirc it will cost me another 30 or 40 dollars to reapply for said visa.)
...and part of me just wants to wriggle and protest that the Admin guy at school is supposed to be on top of all this, and he's the one who tells us when we need to fill in new sets of forms and all this shit, to keep us legal. But, you know - I'm an adult. It's my passport. I should have made sure that everything was okay.
I'm proud that I
burst into tears in the Immigration Visa place, where I've spent the past two hours trying to get my visa renewed, and then discovering that it's expired, and that they charge about 20 bucks a day for overstaying. (The ladies who were trying to help me with the paperwork were being
you see, and kindness always just flays me.)
So, yeah - no tears. Go me!
But also - good grief, how fucking incompetent can I be?
I totally forgot, in the midst of organising all the rest of my shit, to get my TA a present (I did get her one last year, so I've set the precedent) and she got me
2 more PotC figurines,
having seen how totally chuffed I was yesterday.
So I am an incompetent cow
a heel.
...I'm taking lots of deep breaths and reminding myself that nobody died, that it's dealwithable, that it's all okay and just small potatoes in the grand scheme of things. But, God, I just despise myself sometimes.
This was so totally avoidable. If I'd been more of a grown up, you know? God. But...yeah. Nobody died, it's just money, I can still cover my rent when it comes due. So - okay.
Happy Fucking Holidays, yo.
Fay, we all have fuck ups like this. And aren't we lucky that we have a safe place like this to Bitch about ourselves in? But you are still foamy, and this will get sorted.
Good Lord my computer just went insane!
Sorry about that.
What I was trying to say is that bureaucracy sucks. And it's one of the few things that can really set me off crying, because it's SO FRUSTRATING. So, not just you, Fay. And at least you'll be able to get it sorted over Christmas, even if it does cost a lot of money. Which will probably be at least a little bit less stressful what with all the sleeping and eating and drinking cushioning your brain for the visa bureaucracy.
Hands Jars a glass of water for those hiccups.
Ok, I desperately need to go to bed. Nitey-nite!
Fay, you do not suck at being an adult. If you were all
I forgot to get my visa renewed, then you would suck. But you are upset about the lapse and willing to pay the time and money to make it right. That is being adult. Sorry, sweety that you have to deal with this crap when you should be enjoying your holiday.