(without getting personal or specific, because it just seems like a bad idea to look even remotely drama-queeny on my very first day),
I don't think it's drama queeny to let them know that you are the sole supporter of a family of four. I think it's important for them to know that you are not being greedy, but doing this out of necessity.
EM will start actively job-hunting after the holidays, and as soon as she finds something Emmett will go back on her insurance.
I wouldn't count on that. You may not be able to make that change until the open enrollment period. EM could contribute to you, though.
Damn. I was going to suggest looking into WIC, but I bet they look at gross income, not net (that is, if you could feed your family without insurance, then you're not eligible). Is there ANY chance Emmett could qualify for Healthy Families? Or... argh. Dammit, a livable income for a family of 4 in Sacramento != a livable income in San Francisco!
I'm so sorry, JZ.
Also, have you been to the Museum of Jurassic Technology? It has been suggested I go there.
Dude, never heard of, but looks cool (I love museums). I'm game for that while your here (schedule permitting of course... hate that caveat).
I have been to the Museum of Jurrasic Technology several times. It's one of my favorite places in the world to visit.
To quote Ezra Pound
Winter is icumen in
Lhude sing goddam
edited to get the quote working
31 minutes to go...
...food running short. May have to eat the mules. Sherpa guides getting nervous...the cubicles around us are considered places of evil, or dark magicks and blood. It is only through offering more office kitchen perqs (water and stale xmas cookies) that I can keep them with me. Without them, I am surely lost...in all senses of the word....
My mother is still stuck at work too. She the school secretary. School was dismissed 3 hours ago, but not everyone has picked up their kids yet.
I want to visit Miracleman's office. Perhaps taunting the natives with coffee. And Cheetos.
Yes, I live dangerously.
22 minutes to go...
...Sherpas have finally deserted me, cowardly dogs that they are. I am writing this huddled around a small fire I've started in a copy room. The printer repeatedly flashes its plaintive "paper jam - please clear paper" message, but I will not touch it. I will not have its ebon essence on my fingers.
I will have to strike out on my own. The one mule has developed a limp (it stumbled over a stray Ethernet cable two days ago) and I fear it has gone irreparably lame. I will have to bludgeon it with a stapler. The good news: I can smoke the meat; hopefully it will strengthen me for the trek ahead.
I hear a rustling down the corridor...it may be a Supervisor. I will hide in this cabinet and make my move later...
16 minutes to go...
...Blast and damn! The Supervisor found me in my hidey-hole! Snarling, she sprang upon me, determined to take me back to a cubicle, there to rot. I would surely be there now, flinching like a wounded dog at every shrill scream of the phone had I not been able to blind and confuse the Supervisor with a fax confirmation and a cry of "Is this yours? It says 'Urgent'!" Baffled, she clutched at the paper to peruse it and in the interval I managed to slip away.
But the mules and supplies had to be left behind. I have only my staple remover, a disposable lighter and my wits to guide and protect me.
What is this? An emergency evacuation map! Perhaps I am yet saved. Which stairwell am I near? The "You are Here" dot has been defaced...I shall have to do some scouting.