(((((Nora))))) I'm so very sorry for your loss. -ma to you and your family.
I'm almost done with my Christmas shopping. Speaking of which does anyone have a recommendation for a really good, reliable alarm clock? TCG really needs a new one. His current one isn't very reliable.
Uh, sorry about that last link. I've had a compulsion since I read about Rick Rolling, but I think I'm done now.
Forgive the noise.
I love me some Astley. I have his greatest hits CD in the car, and may have been reported cranking it and singing along loudly and with head-bobbing. But I'm, you know, too cool to do that.
I am
tempted to hit up iTunes for the man. Blue eyed soul indeed.
I've had a compulsion since I read about Rick Rolling
Hee. I learned about it from xkcd.
It never ceases to amaze me how disfuntional large entertainment companies are.
I can get the links to work on the Q but marked for later.
That "iPod Alarm CLock" looks a lot like my iHome. Which I like very much, but I think the newer iHomes are different. The Sleep Cycle Tracker thingy intrigues me. And Clocky is just so cute.
Eta: it looks like they just expanded the line: [link]
Laga, I'm English. I mean, almost painfully so. You know that bit with Eric Idle, in National Lampoon's European Vacation? Where they bump into him while walking, and he apologises, and then they run over him, and he apologises, etc etc etc? It's far too accurate, at least as far as I'm concerned. We apologise to people when they step on our feet, never mind when we've rejected their amorous advances.
Ah, Fay, you are quintessentially English. It's delicious! Me, I have just too much loomy bile to fully accommodate the English Apology Aesthetic.
Blimey, I spelled 'quintessentially' right first time.