Do you mean failed to check who he was selling to or failed to check the past history of the gun?
Nope--he was travelling and didn't get licensed to carry a gun in the states he was travelling through. He got stopped for speeding and was searched (he was a scruffy looking Harley dude) and his gun was confiscated because he wasn't licensed to carry a handgun in Ohio.
Big company Christmas party last night, and Daniel got off work early so he could meet me there (I was on duty, taking care of clients while at the party). Sad to say, Daniel was sometimes more help with them than the other staff member who was on duty with me. It's that kind of thing that makes me fall a bit deeper for him.
That and the fact that he sometimes stashes emergency chocolate rations for me. So sometimes when I say, "Gosh I wish I had some chocolate, but I was being all noble and self-denying last time we were at the store," he reaches into a cupboard or drawer and pulls out one of my favorite kinds of chocolates.
thanks for all the kind words and good thoughts.
while i was in therapy, my sister called to tell me that Tim died His kids were there for about a half hour before he went.
I went on a bender with a friend that has known Tim through the years. I spent a LOT of money on single malt whiskey.
I still haven't cried.
Raises a glass for Nora's Uncle Tim.
I'm so glad his kids got to be there. I'm sorry that it has to happen this time of year. And I'm so sorry that it has to happen at alll.
thanks, guys.
I'm at home making calls to very shocked and sad people. I didn't sleep so well last night and i was not up for my commute.
{{{Nora}}} I'm glad you had someone with you who has known him so long. But mostly just {{{Nora}}} {{{all Tim's family}}}