Oh man, Susan that's so creepy! I'm glad everyone (and everything is okay).
All I have to say is FREEDOM! Finally that crappy class is over. I wish I had taken in more food tonight for extra credit, but I forgot.
Anyway, before the exam my grade was an 87 and she said if I stayed at that within 3 points she'd bump me to the next letter grade (A).
I got a 15/20 on my oral presentation, which is fine considering how half assed it was and a 70/80 on the paper. Which I'm also fine with.
I over heard that the highest over all grade before the final was a 90. I'm not sure how many people have a 90.
We had a 50 question test with each question worth 2 points, 4 points added on to each test for the curve and 2 points extra for those stayed after test was graded, all added up I got an 84, which looking at people's reactions was pretty good. If my math is right I have an 86 as a final grade, 1 point away from getting bumped up to a higher grade.
The girl who I've become friendly with totally bombed the test, she got 19 out of 50 questions right and she burst into tears and tried to get an explanation but the teacher wasn't having any of it. She also read the syllabus and based the structure of her paper off that and she got seriously marked down for not writing it correctly so she's really upset.
So I stayed after class to console her and talk to her about what she was going to do.
Then on my way home I witnessed an accident. I pulled up to the intersection as the light turned red and was sitting there for a few seconds when a car 2 lanes over flew through the red light and smacked right into an oncoming car. So I drove around the block so I could safely pull over (there were issues of one way streets) and go offer to be a witness, I stuck around until the police came, gave my statement and went over to Mom's to tell her my grade.
Now I have to do a quick load of laundry before bed.