Whenever my brother comes to MA, he brings the family's secret Swedish meatball sauce. My parents found it by accident at this Chicago-area store when they were passing out samples. Dad swore it tasted EXACTLY like what his mother used to make, and he had never been able to get it just right. So, now the "secret family sauce" is from a can.
Shhhhh...don't tell anyone!
t pokes head in
I have a feeling I've missed a lot in the last 24 hours. Hm...
t scans back
Ooo! Job-ma, JZ! I hope you get it; I know how excited you were about that company.
Yay Suzi the Piemaker!
I haven't gotten a chance to look at DED FROM CUTE baby-pics, but I am certain that they are, indeed, DED FROM CUTE.
I spent 1 hr. 20 min. in traffic this morning. And my house smells like campfires in a spooky way. Work, though? Barely anything. Got to love those Pacific breezes over here.
Feeling any better, Kristin?
Here's a nice pictorial thing on how to make fresh pumpkin pie: [link] .
I had my first tutoring session last night, and it went really well. They live in a MANSION in the Palisades. I kept wanting to say inappropriate things like, "Another living room? Really?"
Feeling any better, Kristin?
Yes, thanks. I think it's just the crappy air at home.
Mmmmm, pumpkin butter. I've never had it, but it sure sounds good!
I kept wanting to say inappropriate things like, "Another living room? Really?"
HA! I would have paid you five dollars to say it....
Shit, Aims. Like you guys haven't had enough on your plates??? So much ~ma to Joe's mom and to you all.
HA! I would have paid you five dollars to say it....
I counted three living rooms and two dining rooms, and I only saw a corner of the house. Seriously.
I counted three living rooms and two dining rooms, and I only saw a corner of the house. Seriously.
My sister used to teach at a women's junior college that shall remain nameless where one of the "things to do" was for the student, mother and grandmother to get matching fur coats. Every year.
Lots of heart ~ma for your MiL, Aimee.
DJ, sorry - I thought you meant THAT Elvis.