The medical staff at the assisted living place put her on Haldol because G'ma was getting mean and cussing out the staff, but that's when her balance problems began. However, now that she's off the Haldol, she's walking better and also she's nice to the staff.
you have to watch the meds like a hawk. My grandmother hurt her shoulder, and the doctor prescribed cyclobenzaprene. My grandmother was taking it 4 times a day with her regular meds, instead of as needed for pain (he'd given her 100). So, g'ma started getting loopy and falling down, etc. We thought she was senile/getting alzheimer's or something, until we looked at the meds and realized that she was just high!
Cute puppy!
askye, I'm glad your mother's surgery went so well.
Only in Kenya!
For those who need the earworm replaced or introduced: [link]
So glad to read your good news, askye!
Puppy! High density cuteness.
Just got an e-mail that an old college friend of mine is missing-presumed-dead. I haven't seen him in 10 maybe 15 years, so I'm extra sad at all that lost time and no chance to make it up, but y'all's good news is making my morning better.
Norway? More like Snore-way.
Well, I just engaged in the super-fun task of taking a picture of myself for a state directory. My reactions are as follows: "How many chins do I actually have?" "How much of the time do I look like a 15-year-old trying to look sexy?" "Um... why is my face lopsided?" And finally, "I thought I was smiling."
I would like never to repeat that task. The best one had me looking like I'm about to explain to the viewer each and every reason that he or she should never have been allowed to enter the room or impinge on my presence or, for that matter, be born. I quite like it, but I think I won't send it. I managed to find ONE where both sides of my mouth are smiling at the same time and you can't see my extra chins.
My god, I'm so much more vain than I thought! Also, let me announce now that if I've ever offended anyone with a look of disdain and boredom? I probably thought I was smiling.
Norway? More like Snore-way.
t loves P-C
t even though his parents disapprove of my white devil love for him
Also, let me announce now that if I've ever offended anyone with a look of disdain and boredom? I probably thought I was smiling.
Ha. That reminds me of a line from Juno: "I don't think she was giving you the stink-eye. That's just the way her face looks."
The jury waiting room is so much fun. Please don't let me get placed on a trial.
I went home from work. My back hurt so bad I could not sit or stand up without major pain. It's nice to be home but the only way I'm not in pain is to lie on my back with my knees bent up to my chest (not very feasible this pregnant).