Back killin' me this morning. Past week or so the initial "Can't-move-ow-fuck" condition gave way to a constant "Let's grind holy hell out of the left side sciatic nerve, causing an amusing limp and the occasional desire to fall over and howl in pain". The only position I can maintain for a reasonable period of time is sitting (even laying down sucks for the first fifteen minutes or so. Sleep? Not great.) and standing is a special slice of Dante's favorite circle.
Weather: Ice. Aimee had to scrape the van off with a spatula as we do not own a scraper. I think we do not own a scraper because we refuse to acknowledge our move to Michigan on some fundamental level. Sidewalk similarly iced. (Two fun almost-slapstick moments, first when I went out to warm up the car and the second after putting Emeline in the car and walking to my side. Aimee said I should have let myself fall on the basis of a) "What if it miraculously put your back into place?" an event I considered unlikely and b) "It would have been hi-larious." Love you, too, babe.)
Traffic predictably slow. Got to work late, but then so did everyone else, so no big deal there.
And now I have to collate a bunch of information packets for some companies. This means tying up the main copier making 1000 copies to begin with, then another couple hundred of some other papers. Me does not = popular.
Oy vey. Monday.