I know, I know. It's just the whole "they had it and they let it slip through their grasp" thing.
I feel you. Did you see us lose our #1 spot right after getting it because of Kentucky in the 3rd overtime?
Hil, not your fault. If you can't tell if he got the right answer, he might as well not have.
Unrelatedly, Midweek Music is going to be Elvis (the one true Costello one), so far I'm thinking Monkey to Man, Oliver's Army, Radio Radio and Pump it Up. As a bonus, I have Diana, Willie and Elvis Doing Crazy. Anything else? I'm also thinking I Don't Want to Go to Chelsea and/or Watching the Detectives. Just so many good ones. I can't pick. So of course I'm asking y'all to give me more not to be able to pick from.
I have a soft spot for A Good Year For The Roses. Love Shipbuilding too.
Ah A Good Year for the Roses! Love that one!
Mr. Jane's boss...So, Saturday I helped him open and there was a black glass on the bar with a picture of a closeup of Elvis's eyes with the nerd glasses and the caption "ELVIS LIVES!" (all their glasses are random Goodwill and garage sale stuff. Nothing in that place matches) so I ask if I can take it, and Mr. Jane, knowing how much I love him, lets me, only I forgot to take it when I left. Turns out his boss bought me a whole set of them. Love her!
I feel you. Did you see us lose our #1 spot right after getting it because of Kentucky in the 3rd overtime?
I did, and I was rooting for y'all in that game. I like to see an SEC team at the top, as long as it's not Alabama. Not that that stops me from rooting for Auburn in every single game they play and being gleeful when they play spoiler, of course. No one ever said sports fandom had to be consistent.
No one ever said sports fandom had to be consistent.
Particularly when we're talking SEC. (The one true conference)
Oh! I Want You, how did I forget that one? Heartbreaking!
Oh, and it totally first-world problems, my neighborhood has become a traffic mess because of the World Bank meeting. There are a few streets closed off entirely, and no street parking in the entire neighborhood. Which means there are way too many cars on all the other streets, so there are cops stationed at every corner to direct traffic. So walking to class takes twice as long as it should, because there are twice as many cars going through each intersection.
Oh, and the coffee shop that has Ethiopian food at lunch time is on a blocked-off street, so I had to get Chinese food for lunch instead.
t /first-world problems
In less petty complaining, protesters were throwing bricks! Some of them tried to push through a police barrier. At least one arrest for assulting an officer. Most of the stores in Georgetown boarded up their windows for Friday night, but the thrown bricks broke a bunch of windows. Oh, and one woman got hit in the head with a brick.
I think I'm getting sick. Sniffle.
I think I'm getting sick. Sniffle
Maybe it's sympathy sickness? Both of y'all, get well soon.
(A tad blurry, but worth it for her expression)
Oh, and JZ, much job~ma! I got all overwhelmed with my picspam!
Aww Ellie looks so thrilled!
And I love the way Dylan winds up to flip!
How do you know my daughter? Well, I met her on the internet.
::snort!:: Poor Auntie J. It probably wouldn't have helped if you'd mislead her a bit and said you met through me -- Auntie J still remembers the days when I tried my best to get Sox in trouble.
I have a long day at the office today and I don't wanna!