safety~ma Stephanie
I never realized Gelert was a wolfhound. My allergies act up at his
Our dog Pua was sick over thanksgiving and we have had her on a strict dog food (and occasional treat) diet for a week. Do you guys think a small boiled beef bone would be OK?
I'm making some stock from leftover Hawaiian short ribs. Those are beef, right?
{{{Stephanie}}} Praying for a safe, quick resolution.
Wolfhounds are, indeed, great. And unlike Newfies or Saintie, or Danes, they tend not to be slobber factories.
I can. not. deal. with the slobber. Yeeesh.
Rescued Greyhounds also tend to be very mellow, and non-slobbering. But there is a possibility of health issues with them. (Like Danes)
Our neighbor's Wolfie would be perfect if he weren't a clumsy klutz...and unaltered and therefore more aggressive than I'd like. Hard to push a 140 lb dog of Bartleby when he 'just wants to get to know him better', if you know what I mean...and I'm sure that you do.
Yikes, Stephanie! I hope you and Ellie are safe and sound at home now.
GF and I want to get a Pomeranian and name her Frankie. Course, we need a yard first... Also have to wait until the Old Lady (Josie) is no longer with us (sob!). She would kill us for that.
Mastiffs? enormous but good tempered.
Or how about a dachshund?
My family always had dachshunds when I was a kid (they have 3 right now) and I LOVE LOVE LOVE them!
Oh lord. The drooooooolllllll...
But very, very sweet.
I love the Dachshunds in our park. Adorable bundles of energy that don't seem to bark much.