A family across the street from us had a St. Bernard puppy. While she was young and unhousebroken she peed on the floors in such large amounts that they rotted (because they were never dry) and had to be replaced.
I'm with Laga with the wolfhound love. The one my college boyfriend had was a love. And he always sided with me if we fought in front of the dog. He'd get up on his hind legs, put his front paws on R's shoulders, look him in the eye and say, "WOOF!" And then I'd win the argument.
Didn't work when you propsed, ain't gonna work now.
goes back to looking for a doggie.
Honey, you misspelled "rat".
I have massive wolfhound love. I grew up with them too. My uncle raised them.
Nice. A rat.
What is Aimee afeared of most of all?
Mice and rats.
Why don't you buy Jilli a
plate spider
while you're at it?
You suck.
I grew up with big doggies -- my Uncle's Newfs, my one Grandfather's Great Danes... but when I was 22 and wolfhound walked up and looked me in the eye I nearly swooned for a second there. DANG that was a big doggie.
Very subtle, Aims, make that dog look harmless and wee.
t golf claps
so, some asshole robbed the bank and left a possible explosive device on post. Ellie is stuck in the daycare and I'm stuck outside the gate. I want find this jerk and kill him myself. Oh, and the guards let the dea agents in to get their kids but the rest of us are stuck here.
Oh fuck Stephanie!!! {{{{}}}}
Trudes - wouldn't even have to change the name of this one: [link]
(PS - This is totally Sparky's fault.)