The Dalek ordered Rose to command him to die, and after a bit of back and forth, she did. So it died.
also an interesting moment when the Dalek opened itself so that we could see inside. There was a life form inside that controlled it, looked like a fetus with an adult face and tentacles.
She's a 7 week old beagle and I'm going to be ded of the cute.
Train it NOT TO BARK. Learn from the Miracleborns' mistakes.
Also, Joe said that now that we have a house with a big yard, I could get another dog.
I want a Great Dane.
t evil laugh
kick ass blond lady in glasses
Osiris. Okay, that's not her name in this show, but I like thinking of her as the Goa'uld Osiris in everything she does.
Train it NOT TO BARK. Learn from the Miracleborns' mistakes.
I moved in with the World's Dumbest Dalmatian(TM), who HOWLS.
Sweet fancy Moses.
Bet my dog is stupider than your dog.
t sticks out tongue
Hey Steph, about what waist size is The Boy?
Yay, beagle!
Plumbing is almost done, woo! There is a test load a-drying in the dryer, and I shall soon have a wider pipe and actual trap on my washer drain. Exciting!
Train it NOT TO BARK. Learn from the Miracleborns' mistakes.
So far, they claim they've only heard her bark once at the shelter.
looked like a fetus with an adult face and tentacles.
Straight out of Men in Black?
Yay for new puppage! Baby Beagles are made of cute.
Train it NOT TO BARK
Tough job with a Beagle...however, training the SPEAK (or BARK, since that might be easier to remember on the fly) command and then reinforcing NO SPEAK might work. This is how I taught Bartleby to quit jumping on everyone. We made JUMP into a game with sticks and such. Now, NO JUMP means butt on the ground. Works a treat.
Hey Steph, about what waist size is The Boy?
Freaking TINY. I don't know the measurements, but if I had to guess, maybe 28." Certainly no more than 30."