~ma and hairpats all around.
Also, omg ded of teh cute THREE times over.
I wonder if cats ever think, "So that's a... baby human. Which means I'm not a baby human. Huh.
Oh well, at least I'll always have sharper teeth and claws than it."
I think they generally think, "Don't say anything to Mom and Dad, but Wow! That's some weird looking bald kitten."
A year later, they start the pitying, "Poor slow baby, just now learning to walk, when I'd hit puberty, perfected my hunting skills, and shed my winter coat by this age. Poor mom and dad, I'd better not say anything."
And I'm ready for Tommy Tuberville's head on a platter after the Auburn-LSU game. Get me thinking they're a good team after all, then blow the whole thing by a squib kick at the wrong time and inept clock management?!
They really don't have much to be ashamed of. They played pretty well throuought the game up until then. LSU is an excellent team and Auburn was playing in Death Valley which can shake up a visiting team.
I think I might go look for one of those breathing masks. Everything smells like camping, which is great, but the ashy feeling in my throat, nsm.
and why do I choose to actually **COOK** on a very hot day? A hot day when I need to close all the windows so ash doesn't rain in? Don't get me wrong. Very yummy dinner. But cooking sausage, then heating up the oven to bake the pizza. Ya. Apartment warm. Superly so.
BTW, dah Cutes with the kid pics.
Laga, yes, get a dust mask. Or you'll be phlemming this gunk out for a week.
I just looked up earlier and Weather Bug showed it as 36 degrees here.
I found a 3M mask in the janitor closet. You're not kidding about the hydration issue, Omnis. If I lift up the mask to take a drink I have to go through the process of fitting it back on my head again. I have decided to finish my water quickly and then not drink anything else until I get home.
laga, flaw in plan. I hope the drive home is a short one. How about grab a bendy straw from concessions?
They really don't have much to be ashamed of. They played pretty well throuought the game up until then. LSU is an excellent team and Auburn was playing in Death Valley which can shake up a visiting team.
I know, I know. It's just the whole "they had it and they let it slip through their grasp" thing. Sorta like the M's and a playoff spot. I'll forgive Tuberville before I forgive the M's PTB, though. This is the ONLY time I've been angry at his play calling or clock management. With the M's ownership and management, I have a List.
The way this mask fits even a straw doesn't want to go behind it. Also it's impossible to lick my fingers to help sort paperwork but I keep trying which is why it now has a big dent. On the plus side it is amazing how much easier breathing is.
TeeHee! After checking myself in a mirror I'm really amazed the snack bar cashier didn't just laugh at me when she dropped off her paperwork. The mask is pushing my cheeks up and back. All I need is a derby and I can join the Nairobi Trio.