Poor you, Kristin. I am out of the grading zone until Friday. When I will once again get caught in the swirling vortex of HELL.
Oh, the hell. So brimstoney.
I'm giving feedback on 58 ninth grade literary analysis first drafts at the moment. Joy. I have to get them all done by Friday in order to give the students a week to revise, so I've been slogging through these suckers all day, every day. I'll have a bit of a break this weekend (time to write the final exam, whee), and then the final drafts roll in. Those should go faster since I will have read them already, but I am really not looking forward to being swamped with panicking freshmen between now and then.
And then, final exams. And skill evaluations. And lots of headdesk.
But then vacation! I am so very ready.
A daycare themed lolcat for you: [link]
There is some sort of a squirrel party going on in the side yard. Watching them is much more fun than getting ready for our trip. and the trip will be fun . but getting ready is not fun.
Your cats must be different than mine.
Well, I don't have cats, so this may be part of the problem.
Well, I don't have cats, so this may be part of the problem.
Are you suuuuuure about Toto?
Congratulations, author Jilli!
Jilli!!! Congratulations. I can't wait to read it.
Car is still working.
t knocks on wood
Mom and I did some Christmas shopping tonight, and now I'm happily home.
Are you suuuuuure about Toto?
Um...I'm pretty sure. Do you know something I don't?
vw, I could get in trouble with that website. I haven't made chocolates in a while, but I suddenly want all of the chocolate molds.
vw, I could get in trouble with that website. I haven't made chocolates in a while, but I suddenly want all of the chocolate molds.
I KNOW! And I don't know where my molds ended up, so I *need* to replace them.