I don't want Annabel to look shabby and neglected,
So just how spiffy were those shepherds, anyway? They lived in a pre-velcro, pre-zipper and probably pre-button era, and they hung around with sheep.
In the time and place I grew up in, all women stayed home, but there were still a lot of costumes and decorations based largely on glue and glitter. Whatever flaws you see in her costuming will be much obvious to you than to anyone else. As far as I'm concerned, anyone who reads to their child; keeps the child fed, safe and warm; supports her education; and teaches her not to yell in the library or race with shopping carts is a good parent. The rest is gravy.
or race with shopping carts
I still do this. Heh. I'm going to call my mom and tell her she's a bad parent.
Considering that my mother used to tell me the kid-friendler parts of her crime fiction books, most of my costumes involved bath towels or plastic noses, but one year she and her friend paid somebody at school to make my friend and me Halloween costumes. My poor kid would probably end up wearing a sign that said "Shepherd".
I think you can beat that, Susan.
race with shopping carts
Yup I had a bad mom too.
edit: oh wait, it's all coming back me now. That was Dad. Mom was pissed.
I only mention the shopping carts because of a near miss at Costco.
Ah. Well, safety *is* the most important part of any racing. We need to teach our kids how to safely race shopping carts. And to stay in school. Because drugs are bad, m'kay.
I think my brain just shorted out into an afterschool special.
usually my Dad is pretty reserved but from time to time he turns into an imp.
We did not have much of a Cleaver legacy in my family. I'm quite seriously awed by women like that(until you get to Martha's level...she makes me uncomfortable, but in a very tasteful way) but I've always been aware that they have...an extra lobe in their brains or something.
Ah. Well, safety *is* the most important part of any racing.
Huh. So the tight little suits serve some sort of
February 11 is a primo day to be born.
I was always under the impression that one of the reasons that there were so many shepherds in Christmas pageants was because the costumes can be thrown together out of blankets or towels or what have you. Linus' blanket over the head is the quintessential shepherd costume, to me. Annabel will be adorable in whatever you put her in, Susan. Esp. if she gets an eyepatch.
The curtain dress was one of EW's 50 TV icons (or Carol Burnette was and that scene was her most iconic - it was a confusing article)
I've got a plumber coming tomorrow morning to take care of my gas line. Service window is only two hours, yay!