Well, it's probably too late to do much this time, since the pageant is Friday.
Part of my Mom's craftyness was just this sort of dilemma -- she had mad skills but she never got to use them.
A short-notice shepherds costume would be some sort of brown or dark robe, Dad's shirt, or possibly a length of fabric (she would wish for burlap here) that's, say, 2 yards long cut down the middle to the 1 yard point tied around me with something rope-y looking, a pillowcase (now she'd wish for a flower sack) tied to my head with more of that rope and a stuffed sheep stuck under my arm.
Well, I was planning to do the t-shirt with sash at the teacher's suggestion, but beyond that I'm stuck. I can't get a child's bathrobe between now and then, or really buy ANYTHING. I'm at work all day, and there's nowhere readily accessible to shop during my lunch hours. I have choir tonight and that Christmas party tomorrow night. DH is as busy as I am. Another teacher suggested putting a scarf over her head, but the only scarf of ours that didn't get lost in our move is a way-too-long one.
Thrift store run at lunch?
I think I'm going to call the daycare and explain my dilemma. I don't know if they'll be able to help, but at least they'll know I'm trying.
sj, glad to hear that AAA came through, but very sorry to hear about the emotional toll it took on you. I hope your day gets much better!
I'm almost finished with my class! Last night was the end of the presentations and she finally had some of our grades. Not our papers, because she hasn't finished those, but our 4 exams. I have a 92. Which is better than I thought.
Yay almost done! Yay kick-ass grade!
Am at work. Feel like ass. Tummy hates me. Send rescue.
t sends in sled dogs and (palliative) Fernet
All my Bitches need to be allowed to go home/stay home and go back to bed if they wish.
I will write you a note. Now, get in line for your notes.
I am so at the front of this line.
Aimee, my only advice re: school is do what makes the most sense financially. It sounds like you need to do these two classes at U of P, but then maybe you can transfer all of your credits to the community college to finish? I think you’d be much happier in a classroom, to tell you the truth. The idiots you’ve dealt with online…well, part of their idiocy is the fact that they don’t have to say things face-to-face. I think you’d really enjoy class discussions with your fellow students and your professor actually in the room with you.
Also, this?
"But it's a perfec' day, Momma!"
I got a pair of Merrell mocs, which are comfy.
I bought Merrill mocs in NYC when Trudy and I were trekking through the Gates exhibit in Central Park. They soon earned the moniker "Most Comfortable Shoes in the World (tm)." I love them so very much.
Remember how I was all worried about having 12 pages of my 20-25 page paper done last week (I now have 16, BTW)? Well, I saw two peeps who are in this class with me last night and asked how they are faring. Neither one has even started writing yet! It's due in one week! I'd be losing my shit!
Heh. I’ve been so impressed by how on top of this paper you’ve been. I would probably be the one writing it the weekend before it was due. I would like to think that I’ve grown as a student given all these years of teaching, but yeah, nsm.
Every time, I would do the research, mark passages, perhaps even a rough outline ahead of time. I would swear that I would not be up all night the night before. Sometimes, I'd even get 5 or 6 pages written. And then, the night before, I'd be writing the damn thing until 6AM.
Vortex is me.
Not until February 10th
Pick February 12th! Choose February 12th!
As always, I am in awe of anyone who can sew anything. If crafts are part of the parenting gig, it’s a really good thing I don’t have kids.
Thrift store run at lunch?
I commute by bus because parking is impossible here, and there's nothing of the kind within walking distance.
old pillow case / sheet - solid color.
think rectangular poncho ( cut everything to non trip length) -- rope or extra sheet as tie around waist and head ( to keep scarf ( which is towel or sheet ) on)
I believe in cutting things, not sewing
OK, they said the big t-shirt with a sash should be fine--"It's not like the shepherds were rich or high-fashion"--and she also thought that the teacher for Annabel's room had some costume pieces she'd borrowed from her church. She closed with, "Don't worry--we'll outfit her just fine."
I believe in cutting things, not sewing
Hot glue, duct tape, and staples are remarkable things too.
I have this one "cape" that I have incorporated into countless costmes. It is an old velvet curtain with a piece of twine run through the top. I tie it over my shoulders and under my arms (does that make sense?). It ALWAYS get compliments.
The beauty of costumes* is that they don't have to hold up or be cleanable.
* Well, not real costumes -- Sophia has to make things that are even
durable than mere mortal clothing.
some how that reminds me of the Carol Burnett show... "I saw it in the window and I *HAD* to have it"
ION- something for the holiday spirit. Seems to fit well for Bitches: