Awww...kitties and baby!
I'm big on not being a fair-weather fan, but I'm getting bitter at my teams lately. The M's collapse this year was just embarrassing. And I'm ready for Tommy Tuberville's head on a platter after the Auburn-LSU game. Get me thinking they're a good team after all, then blow the whole thing by a squib kick at the wrong time and inept clock management?!
t shakes tiny fist of disappointed love toward teams
But I'll be back at Safeco Field on Opening Day next year, no doubt about it. And War Damn Eagle forever.
The M's collapse this year was just embarrassing.
Ichiro got a hell of a welcome at the beginning of the Seahawks game yesterday, though.
Let me interrupt the baseball talk to share some baby picspam: [link]
(A tad blurry, but worth it for her expression)
OMG, she is a doll! So cute!
Let me interrupt the baseball talk to share some baby picspam
I think you mean little girl picspam! She looks so grown up! And still A. Dorable!
lisah, you are right. I mean, she's still *my* baby, but I don't even thnk of her as a toddler anymore.
Oh wow! Ellie's so big!
Can I play? 'Cause Dylan flipped over again today.
OMG, cute babies everywhere.
Ellie is SO pretty, Stephanie! And that smile. Dude, she's got plans in her head. For real.
And Dylan! Boy, he *worked* for that flip! Back to front is so much harder than front to back, too. Awesome.
~ma to all of SoCal. Scary.
Job~ma to JZ! They better make the right decision this time!
And thanks for all the ~ma coming our way. We can use it. As proof that it only pours, my sister hit a stag this morning and totalled her car. *pout* We liked that car.