Remember how I was all worried about having 12 pages of my 20-25 page paper done last week (I now have 16, BTW)? Well, I saw two peeps who are in this class with me last night and asked how they are faring. Neither one has even started writing yet! It's due in one week! I'd be losing my shit!
Sorry to be all school, all the time. It is all-consuming right now but will be done next Wednesday. YAY!
Not until February 10th, so I've got about 9.5 weeks to go. I know some things trigger the contractions (lying on my back, for example) but I've definitley been feeling more contractions. I'll ask the midwife just to verify that it's not anything to worry about.
I think keeping the spares is the best option, Cashmere. Extras with kids never seem to be wasted.
I'm annoyed that my mother is insisting I was having the asthma attack because of the anxiety attack. No, I was anxious because I couldn't breathe.
February 9th is an especially fine birthday...
Remember how I was all worried about having 12 pages of my 20-25 page paper done last week (I now have 16, BTW)? Well, I saw two peeps who are in this class with me last night and asked how they are faring. Neither one has even started writing yet! It's due in one week! I'd be losing my shit!
OMG, me too.
No, I was anxious because I couldn't breathe.
Yeah, that'll do it! {{sj}}
Stephanie, I hope the baby stays put until you are safely settled in in NM.
Neither one has even started writing yet! It's due in one week!
yeah, that would have been me.
I'm just incapable of cranking out 20 pages in one weekend (which is the only time I can write papers). 8-10 pages is possibly doable, but that's pushing it as well. YMMV, of course.
It's so interesting how differently people work. I've been waking up in the night all stressed about this paper, even though I've been steadily working on it for weeks. I think I'd drop dead if I waited until this late in the game to get started.
Stephanie - how distracting! stay-put~ma just in case.
d-it's snowing!
happy macaversary msbelle!
I have just now stress-chowed down on all the goldfish baked snack crackers. Please dear santa, please bring me more before 4:30 pm so that, after I pick up the sprog, I don't hear "iwantsomegoldfishiwantsomegoldfishiWANTSOMEGOLDFISH!" because I cannot do that today.