I forsee a trip to Lowe's for us.
While you're there can you return the curved shower curtain bar I bought that was too long for our shower?
I need to pick up lettuce if we're going to have tacos for dinner tonight.
My life is composed of the mundane.
Does your fob need a new battery?
Yeah, I think so, but I can't go get it unless I can drive. Dave tried to put the laundry in the car for me this morning, and he couldn't get in. I guess I'll call AAA if my car alarm starts going off.
Windshield wiper fluid is important stuff.
I walked to work! For the first time since I moved the office. It was about 2 miles. Brandy walked with me since she comes to the office with me now. Woo! She's already fast asleep.
Will the alarm go off if you open the car with the key? Good luck. It's after 9, at least, so I wouldn't worry about the neighbors waking with the alarm.
sj, I suppose your owner's manual is in the car? Maybe there's a copy on the web that would tell you what to do if your fob has no juice?
I live in fear for our alarm going off at weird times, sj. The owner's manual might have some suggestions?
Normally, I'd be irritated at having to de-snow my car and drive to school, except that I don't have to, because I have a snow day.
One of the perks of teaching, which is good, as I was about ready to hide with a blow gun and sedatives and create a pile of unconscious children.
Well, I'm in DC and we have our first snow of the winter. It's more like a heavy frost in town ... but, as usual, the people have gone batshit. Traffic was insane (more so than usual), the bus was packed with people who don't normally take the bus, people were bundled up as though on an expedition to the pole (north or south, take your pick ... but no sled dogs). Took me longer than usual to get to work and I had to bus part way and take the Metro for the rest. I'm thinking they'd take a rain of toads with less hysteria.