(One of my gay friends has been known to say mournfully, "All the guys I meet are neat and like show tunes." He is the world champion of mess and the show tunes? Not so much.)
If he ever comes out this way, there's a gay social club that meets semi-regularly to be out about their guyful gayness. They're proudly queer sports-jersey-wearing beer-drinking baseball fans who don't like show tunes or clubbing.
They're proudly queer sports-jersey-wearing beer-drinking baseball fans who don't like show tunes or clubbing.
I'd say that the gay evil twin needs to know about this, but I suspect he's already messed about with half of them.
(Still, great guy to go to baseball games with. He truly appreciates the proper balance between obsessing about the scorecard and ogling muscular player ass. Which is to say, plenty of both.)
Why would I ever wear a t-shirt with a pink ribbon and the word "Survivor" on it in pink rhinestones?
So you're ruling out a career in reality tv?
t thread drive-by
I didn't have to go to jury duty today, so I got to meet the new Head candidate.
Not on my head, but actually wearing them and looking through them.
I did this just a few days ago in the car. Right after I had put on my sunglasses, I looked in my glasses case for my sunglasses and was baffled for a good twenty seconds at how my regular eyeglasses could possibly be in there when I need my sunglasses and where are my sunglasses? Oh yeah. You just. put. them on. In my defense it was a very bright day.
tuna salad
in stomach news: mine seems to have something very important to say. It's been mumbling away down there for a good ten minutes. I wish I spoke gurgle.
today all of my measurements of time shall be in the form of "a good ___ minutes"
Our friend W, who had the heart attack ( see apocalypse) had hopes of getting out today. but he still has elevated heart enzymes - which if I read correctly, most of them stay high for a bit. (since I don't know which one is elevated - I am ignoring the one that looks worse)
Yeah, Laga, but was it a good ten minutes, aside from the gurgling?
Not on my head, but actually wearing them and looking through them.
I have totally done that. Whole time, I'm wondering why I can see so well, too.
My dad once left his dentures in his recliner. Only man I've ever heard to bite himself on the ass.
Oh! beth, I meant to say, much ~ma for your friend.
Also, Kristin, I'm glad you like the new Head of School, it does help to be able to look forward to working with someone like that.