I'm feeling like Worst Mommy Ever myself today. You know those cute kitty boots I posted last night, that hopefully will be here for Annabel by the end of the week? Well, I should've ordered them at least a month ago, because this is Seattle, where you get a few impressive rainstorms per winter, EVERY winter, and Annabel is a child, which means she GROWS between winters. Last year's boots don't fit. And I don't even know where they are, because we moved at the end of April and certain things have never made it out of the boxes in the garage.
Anyway, I was feeling so proud of myself this year because I remembered that "winter" and "growth" thing WRT coats, and Annabel is well-stocked with a light raincoat, a heavy hooded winter coat, and a new Mariners jacket for ordinary days when it's just cloudy/drizzly and not bitterly cold. (And she looks like a miniature manager in it and is just the cutest thing ever.) But I forgot the boots. In Seattle. With the winter rainstorms. Until one of those storms was actually happening outside my window.
t headdesk
Anyway, I thought it wouldn't be a problem today, because it would never have occurred to me to let her play outside in this weather. It's pouring! Roads are flooded! The creek in our backyard is overflowing its banks and flooded the backyard two houses down! (Hopefully our house will stay OK--I'm telling myself that our retaining wall looks stronger and that we're on a higher slope from the creek banks anyway.) I did think to take in a spare pair of sneakers for her to change into just in case, but I never thought they'd go on the playground. I told the teacher what I'd done, and explained she should have proper boots within the week, and made a remark about how stormy it was and the kids presumably staying inside, and she said, "Oh, no, we'll be taking them outside. They love playing in the rain--and if I know Annabel, she'll be first into the puddles." She said it was fine as long as AB has dry shoes to put on after recess, but I still feel like Terrible, Thoughtless, Irresponsible Mother.