People will pay you to cause them distress!"
Ah, memories... MiracleMan does a great dentist.
The movie of Little Shop sealed my crush on Steve Martin. (And also Rick Moranis. [What? Shut up.])
My Safari updated itself, and, while all my bookmarks are working, unlike Emily's, now it seems to have a non-consensual spellcheck. I am NOT pleased.
I just skipped over a jillion messages, but they all seemed to be about people's Christmas traditions, so I don't think I missed anything important. If I did, please linky.
I did, obviously, get all packed, and then all moved, and now I am all exhausted.
And we will NEVER get unpacked. Right now, the house looks like one of those houses that gets featured on Oprah when she does a show on hoarders, where there's a teeny-tiny path from the front door to the dining room, and to the bedroom, etc.
It's overwhelming. I'm actually glad to be at work.
But, yes, waking up to The Boy curled up next to me (or, generally, DIAGONALLY across the bed) is an utter, utter joy.
And we will never get unpacked.