I would be inclined to believe them except that my experience says otherwise.
Yeah, me too. Like I said, three years of being breastfed and I've never had a cavity. In any case, I don't think you deserve the Bad Mom moniker for this one. Lets invent a Bad Dentist one though, yeah?
When I was younger, just a bad little kid
My mommy noticed funny things I did
Like shooting puppies with a BB gun
I'd poison guppies, and when I was done
I'd find a pussy cat and bash in its head!
That's when my momma said...
(What did she say?)
She said "My boy, I think some day
You'll find a way
To make your natural tendancies pay....
You'll be a de-entist!
You have a talent for causing things pain!
Son, be a de-entist!
People will pay you to be inhumane!
Your temperament's wrong for the priesthood
And teaching would suit you still less
So be a de-entist
People will pay you to cause them distress!"
I stupidly bought the kids these plastic snow globes that play obnoxious, tinny Christmas carols and I'm now praying the batteries run down quickly.
I suggest removing the batteries while they sleep.
People will pay you to cause them distress!"
Ah, memories... MiracleMan does a great dentist.
Okay, we so totally need to have a Little Shop of Horrors singalong. DUDE.
Stephanie, I want to fly down there and bitch slap the dentist.
Wants in this line! I breastfed both boys about forever. Brendon has soft cavity prone teeth and Bobby has hard as nails no problem teeth. It is genetics.
My mother is 86 and has all her teeth except one. She had ONE cavity back in the 20s and they pulled the tooth. She never had another cavity. Alas, I got dad's teeth.
DH#1 was the same way. He sometimes brushed, went to the dentist once a decade. Never had a cavity. Genetics.
I had bad teeth when young and really horrible teeth during puberty with excellent care, Stephanie (my uncle was a dentist so I had every flouride treatment and sealant available). So don't blame yourself. After surviving puberty I think I've only had one cavity in the past 20-25 years. Most of my work has been repairs to those 25 year old fillings.
Chatting with Sox on IM I was just reminded of the Christmas morning when my parents set up their gift of a jungle gym in the living room for us since it was snowing outside. Awesome.
is scalping considered a workplace no-no or just gently frowned upon these days? I could totally count coup on this jackhat right now. Instead, I am calmly saying "and you realize this new information/request will delay the launch, right? No? Well, it will."
People will pay you to cause them distress!"
Ah, memories... MiracleMan does a great dentist.
That was four thousand years ago. But thanks!
Okay, we so totally need to have a Little Shop of Horrors singalong. DUDE.
ION, I am laying flat on my back on the couch with my laptop. Back? Hurts like a bitch. Thank the gods for wireless internet.
gah. being in training at 8am when (a) im on west coast time and (b) have a cold? not fun. was seriously thinking of leaving at lunch, but am still here...stupid.