I want Em to believe in Santa for the rest of her life. I want her to leave out cookies for him to eat, milk for the reindeer the whole bit.
Because...what if he does exist? If we don't pay proper tribute to the blood-suited man 'gainst whom no lock can hold nor portal bar then gods only know what havoc he could wreak! Soot on the carpet! Coal in your footwear! Reindeer shit in your oatmeal!!
Or worse.
It's all about blood in the snow, children. Beware, lest the blood be yours.
I'm hearing that it's a man with a bomb strapped to himself: [link]
The article says he has a bomb taped to his chest. Maybe that's what they mean by "armed." (No mention of a gun.)
eta: x-posty.
{{{Jessica}}}} And ~ma to your Grandpa.
Joe, I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this before, but it bears repeating: you are turning into my dad. I approve.
It seems to me that here in the US, most of the "bomb strapped to one's chest" situations turn out to be fake. Let's hope this one is.
The article says he has a bomb taped to his chest. Maybe that's what they mean by "armed." (No mention of a gun.)
My local news is claiming he has a gun, but I don't know if they know for sure.
Joe, I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this before, but it bears repeating: you are turning into my dad. I approve.
I'm just hoping your dad is keeping a full head of hair.
I was just going to post about that, sj. I clicked a link to read about Jennifer Garner and saw the Breaking News.
I'm just hoping your dad is keeping a full head of hair.
Hmm. Women quite frequently marry men that remind them of their fathers.
eyes Pete's head.