'morning! I've been here since 7am, because [nonprofit] wanted to send a news post out. They'd wanted to do it yesterday evening too. So I was working then. Which was fine, except that they couldn't decide whether they really wanted to send it out. So they didn't. Guess what I'm not doing so far this morning either?
Related: I have really beautiful antique roses on my desk from DH via the Superfresh (which, because I grew up in PA, I can't help calling the smACME) And coffee. A lot of coffee.
and someone just called me irascible.
I am pleased.
I've been madly working on a presentation all morning. I was supposed to be giving it at one o'clock, and only started it at nine this morning. But! The data projector has gone missing, so it's postponed until Monday! Yay! Saved by incompetence, once again.
Poor Emmett. I would say that's a hard one to learn, but I don't remember how (if) I ever found out Santa wasn't "real". Then again, I live in a perpetual state of denial, so maybe I'm still blocking it.
I refuse to believe that Emeline is THREE YEARS OLD TODAY!!
Three years ago RIGHT NOW, I was dialated 9 cm, 80% effaced, in the middle of active labor with my pitocin, epidural, and demerol.
I was also fast asleep and felt none of it.
(which, because I grew up in PA, I can't help calling the smACME)
Happy Birthday, Emeline! And Happy Not In Labor anymore Day to Aimee!
Happy birthday, beautiful Emeline!
Happy Demerolversary, Aimée!
Oh, JZ, what a tough situation. But, I'm just going to point to what everyone else said above.
I am having such a hard time waking up this morning. It may be related to what a difficult time I had going to sleep. It's so unusual for me. But, I have to get going, because I have to go to church in a bit to have me session with the peace-making group. Which, actually, I'm less than thrilled about. But, it's important, so...
Emeline is three!?! That doesn't seem possible. Happy Birthday, Emeline!
Poor, Emmett. I hung onto my belief in Santa for a long time. I didn't want to give up my belief in magic.
Happy Birthday, Princess Emeline!
Ooof, poor Emmett. That is just so rough.
"It was just nice believing that there was somebody as good as Santa in the world. It was just nice to believe that."
Oof. Again.
Happy Emeline Day, everyone!