This week I do not want an iPhone. In fact, I'd like to throw all the phones out the window. It. Won't. Stop. Ringing. And there's a long list of people/places I still need to call for house buying loose ends.
Also, I have to rap a librarian's knuckles today, so I'm put out by the fact that s/he did something s/he should have known s/he shouldn't do, but did anyway.
Coffee. Need.
Aunt ~ma, vw!
Happy Birthday, Burrell!
Interview ~ma for Lee!
Ok - these were ridic inexpensive (even though from WalMart - boo hiss), so I bought 4 and had em shipped to the store nearest me, so no shipping charges. [link]
Does that mean you're getting rid of the other bookshelf, Aimée?
Getting rid of bookshelves?
People do that?
bookshelf is still in my parents barn. I told Joe Monstro was lonely and cold with no books to keep him warm. All Monstro needs is a fresh coat of paint and he can live in the dining room and be warm and loved and surrounded with books.
smug smile
full of many many frozen mochacino margueritas
I can haz holiday!!!!
...'course, I've not even
writing my bloody reports, and they're due in as soon as we get back. So that's me busy over the weekend. But - holiday! In an exciting new location!
Hmm. Shall I order pizza? Or nachos?
I just got an email from a student saying that she feels like she learns better from the professor's teaching style than from mine, and she wants to know if it will affect her grade if she doesn't come to the recitations. I'm ... a bit boggled.
No matter what the actual answer is, Hil, you should say yes.
Fay (or anyone really), I found our friend's blog (She's actually my real mother (not really, but that's what I call her)) in Singapore. If you care to read the musings of a Southern American living in Singapore with pictures! [link]
I apparently really like parens this morning.
Brought to you by Daisy's cold+Sudafed.
I could have slept all day
I could have slept all day
And still have slept some more....