Right. Okay. I should email him.
Yes! do it NOW!
(I am reluctantly checking out the online dating thing again and may need similar encouragement. Although, it's not like dudes are lining up at my e-door cutely asking me to go get delicious treats. and, goddamn, Baltimore has got to be the smallest city in all the world.)
oh dear lord. What do you SAY to someone when you're responding to their personal ad???? Especially when, odds are, you know them or know someone who knows them.
So I'm a little protective of our cuddly wee scrumptiously complex Fay. What of it?
Aw, bless you, Mr Reason! I could threaten him with Peevish Looming if he produces an axe -
keep him in line, for sure.
Fay, you
write him back. That's not only the best ice cream invitation I have ever heard, it's the most Fay-compatible I could possibly imagine.
Fay, you must write him back. That's not only the best ice cream invitation I have ever heard, it's the most Fay-compatible I could possibly imagine.
See, she's not responding because she's too busy writing him back.
I can now report that the Grdenburger Riblets are, in fact, quite delicious.
Meanwhile, I am indulging in the fantasy that somehow I could afford to fly home for Christmas via the United States, as my colleagues made lots of 'OMG, what do you mean you've never been to New York! You should go! At Christmas! Get a round-the-world ticket!' noises. As my travel agent hasn't got back to me yet to puncture my balloon, this is a Very Nice Pipedream.
pretty magical. And you'd certainly have a place to crash.
None of the dresses at Lane Bryant worked out. Poo.
But they gave me cash for my return since my sister had purchased it thusly. Hooray.
So I went to Macy*s and purchased this [link]
I did
pay that price for it.
Happy Birthday, Jessica!
I wish I had an awesome ice cream message! I hope you get back to him, Fay!
Kristin, sorry for the school routine change. Hope it works out well.