I'm picturing an apartment full of hydroponic marijuana.
Do you see her electric bill? Here they've found quite a few suburban houses in which everything was taken out of the house and the whole house turned into a giant pot factory. One giveaway was the power bill for 24 hours a day of high intensity lighting.
No, Sox! I merely meant that I should speak up! Sorry, didn't mean to sound accusing but complimentary instead.
{Kristin} Hope your inundated feeling goes away soon.
Thanks. I've sorted through the maelstrom on my desk, made (another) list, answered a ton of emails, took notes on the reading I'll be discussing with my class tomorrow, and packed my bag. I have to grade the last 25 in-class essays tonight, which I'm really not looking forward to, but I'm not feeling quite as much on the verge of a nervous breakdown anymore.
Yay for no nervous breakdowns!
Sean: make sure you see the UK Office Christmas Special
Um, sorry. I can't contain my huge Gervais love.
One of these days I need to start watching The Office.
I just picked up Season 1 of house through iTunes so I'll be watching that off the Apple TV soon enough. I also finally finished watching season 1 of Heroes and am only one episode behind on this season.
Talkin' bout hot love on the Hot Love Highway
Ooh and we watched Heroes on Netflix (as opposed to NBC) yesterday. I was blown away by how good the presentation was. I didn't know my PC could look and sound so good.
so, I'm reading at work (shocker). in the theater. With lighting and stage management in the row behind me. I see "toy" and "Em" and think it's some kids cute toy. I click. It takes a minute for me to register that this isn't an "Em" toy. Face blushes as I scramble to Command+W to close the window. :: sigh :: I should have known.. it's Bitches! It was rather funny. Thankfully, it's theater.
Heh. But you did gather that it
a kids' toy, right? That her kid got it at McDonalds in a Happy Meal, or some crazy thing like that? And she was all !!!!!???!!!!!!!! when she saw it?
Aims...good luck with this whole potential pot farm thing, love!
Right. Well, I suppose I'd better get less nekkid and get my arse off to work now, hadn't I? Having achieved a shower and scrambled eggs.
(Singapore, incidentally, still sounds Very Exciting Indeed.)
{{{Suzi}}} I'm sorry about all of the stuff with your dad.
{{{Kristin}}} Good luck finishing the schoolwork.
TCG is still stuck at work, instead of eating the yummy lentil soup I made. He has a big meeting tomorrow which he's preparing for.