In my head it's very possible to kiss outside one's orientation without shifting said orientation one bit.
I agree. To me, bisexuality is only partially about sexual desire; it's also about romantic interest. If you have fun kissing people of the same gender from time to time but have no romantic interest in them, I think you are essentially straight.
ETA: But that's just me. I'm perfectly happy for people to label themselves.
Time to go buy some paint. Today, I am learning from yesterday's mistakes and tying my hair up in a pony tail. I don't think I ever did dip in into an open paint can, but it was a near thing often enough.
I used to paint professionally with long hair, and i swear by two french braids pinned into a bun. Or at the least two braid held together in the back and top of head covered with doo rag. It takes 15 to 20 minutes to do, but completely eliminates accidentally dipping hair into paint.
Unless you are dumb enough to leave a 1 gal bucket of super-fast drying enamel on top of an 8 foot ladder, then move ladder, spilling that which will never wash out onto top of head and all over self. In which case it's all over you and no preventative hair styling helps. But who would ever do that?
Ooh, Cass, clearly you should move to Seattle, where there is an IKEA, and be my upstairs neighbor!!
ita, your hair is very short, so that's a big plus in my book (and Hec's). :) The corsets and skirts and dresses are not what my usual romantic interests wear, but the ass-kicking and muscles are hot, would probably depend on the chemistry in person! I also think smonster is very hot, and she's not really what I'd call butch, either. So it depends a little, but...
In my head it's very possible to kiss outside one's orientation without shifting said orientation one bit
I think it depends on the person. Some people take kissing way more seriously than I do. I'll kiss LOTS of people I have no intention of sleeping with (including girly girls, and boys). Other people I know dont' kiss people that they dont' think are hot enough to sleep with. If THOSE people kissed a person outside their usual preferred sex, then it might mean something, y'know?
In my head it's very possible to kiss outside one's orientation without shifting said orientation one bit.
I'm all for allowing people to define their ownselves. Sometimes I think they're not being 100% honest but I try to keep my mouth shut. I once heard someone say that men have an orientation and women have a preference. I consider myself bisexual and for most of my twenties I was convinced everyone else was bisexual too. Some very patient friends of various orientations and preferences managed to convince me that the Kinsey scale is real and some people really are 1s or 6s although that can change over time. I knew a guy in college who said that he felt like his orientation changed regularly. What was the question?
In my head it's very possible to kiss outside one's orientation without shifting said orientation one bit.
Wouldn't work for me personally but I'd buy that.
I'm all for allowing people to define their ownselves.
Good days for me are days when (in general) I've got a handle on all things me. I don't have the time or desire to try to figure someone else out that I'm not interested in or involved with.
Type is such a weird thing. Most of the men I've dated in the last decade are far from my physical type, but the sassy brains have made all the difference.
ETA: I also think it's weird how hot I can find people who aren't my type.
Yeah, and I'm all for kissing, even if I'm not more into you than kissing. It just means I'm unlikely to be all heart-racingly nervous and adrenalized and tingly after we dance together. Sigh. Stupid GILF.
I forced myself to have a fling against type (he was adorable, just soooo not my style) and I adore him to this day.
of course, the built-in expiration date might have had something to do with it working.