She was not quite as crazy looking as her pictures. And she completely kicked my ass at scrabble!
and how is my mom?
In other news: If I have a mad crush on one of my superiors it's better to keep my mouth shut and let him continue to think I'm a babbling idiot, right?
You could name him Dean Winchester.
Oh you could, if you want to risk people TRYING TO FUCK YOUR DOG.
Have you
these people's fic? They have no boundaries.
YAY for the puppy! He definitely needs a new name, I don't know enough about Harry Potter to say go with Dobby looking at him the name fits.
sox, my bro-in-law was a sniper in the USMC. Now that he is out, he no longer had a rifle at his disposal. So my sister got him one as a gift. He is going to start an instructor gig for training swat and officers. So he needed a rifle. The croquet is something our family has always played. And I'd kindly request not shooting this croquet player ;)
On the whole, its been a good day. Now we're trying to send the drunk idiot neighbor home. He puts the duh in Florida to the max.
Oh Ginger, how wonderful!
He's lovely and so fortunate to have you.
Evidence would suggest, I'm an enormous fan of the squatty dog. And he has such soulful eyes.
The name that popped into my head...though Dobby Dog is a winner...was Gimli. Not HP, but durable, a bit irascible and, 'very dangerous over short distances'.
They have no boundaries.
But the bow-leggedness... Okay, fine, I retract my suggestion about naming the bow-legged dog Dean.
Am not Ebil!
YAY Ginger on the new Doggy. YAY Doggie on the Ginger.
Good luck on the crazy blind date, Gris! That's kind of a cool concept! The internet, coming up with new things all the time.
It hasn't found a date for me yet. I'm guessing it's not going to tonight. Needs a larger base of people signed up, I guess.
Responded to a random craigslist ad, though. I'm kind of hitting all the possible online dating systems this week. Maybe I should just make friends with a guy so I can have a wingman for the standard bar scene...
That puppy as adorable, and should be Alastor, with Moody as a nickname. Because that's awesome.
maybe just Winchester....