Good points, Anne.
I haven't used Library Thing myself, but I just read this on my flist and thought I'd share since I know a lot of you do. It's about a site that purports to be similar but uses sleazy tactics with your e-mail contacts [link]
Well, I can't say that my desk is organized yet, but I do now have things with which to organize... that's progress, right? OK, I have to make some phone calls now, and then I work on this until it's time for SGA.
ETA: Phone calls done and sucessfully! I pat me on the back. Now for the filing and throwing away.
I just had to do a little email smackdown on someone who was being rude. It needed to happen, but I hate doing that. I was nice, though - I didn't include the whole list when I replied to her.
VW, part of your PCP's job is to be there to be bothered by people with medical issues. I would page her ASAP, if only to give more credence to your claim with the pharmacy.
This. Yes. Also? "Oh it was missing, was it? Why didn't you report it sooner?" The longer you wait, the more chance of annoying officiousness.
Good points. Calling to at least start the process and the documentation is good.
Crap. My doctor is signed out to another doctor who I don't know. I paged him anyways, but ugh.
Woo hoo Hecubook! So exciting.
Hecubook is beautiful! Congratulations, David!
You just want to create a trail, vw. Leave a message on the pharmacy phone if possible.
and i am glad there are so many good things today - book, new bone growth, proper care, etc . yay
As far as I can tell - the bad news is stuff like - Matt has to work late tonight...stupid power fluctuations and stupid co people that waited forever to give approval for a powerful enough UPS. At least things should improve after Monday night. Mostly this really isn't bad for me except for the fact thaqt I can not move the tv cabinet into a new spot until tomorrow
Anything else that I should definitely be sure to include?
Probably too late, and I"m sure someone else already said, but--APPLES! And caramel. And the cheese goes with apples as well as the crackers. Sausage (like, summer sausage, even though it's fall) also goes well.
I haz dad update! The infection is all gone and the bone is regenerating!
Whoot! Go Dad-of-d!
She really seemed to get into the spirit of the change!
Heh. Excellent. Perahaps I shall go troll some bocce-playing-places in Seattle...though my weekend is getting pretty booked!
Because so far, it seems to be a Manga starring Emily. Thus far, it's awesome.
Whoah! I had a dream about Emily the other night, but manga would be cool!
completely and totally not work-safe
Toddson is very kind to mark that as not work safe. It was oddly hypnotizing, and yet frightening.
It was for "superior customer service".
Woot indeed!
I don't *really* want to kill the jerk on lj and drag him into the virtual vacants, do I?
Or maybe I could kill him and leave him out as a warning to others.
But I'm sorry, when all the shows are on strike, I think strike talk is a perfectly cromulent use of lj community space.
Whether he thinks so or not.