Definitely some fruit to go with the cheese plate - doesn't have to be fancy, just something to cut the richness (I always go strawberries and grapes because they're pretty and don't need to be cut up).
(I'd even offer to bring them, but I'm afraid I'll be at home nebulizing the baby. ON THE NIGHT BEFORE MY BIRTHDAY. Behold the unfairness that is my life.)
That is definitely unfair, Jessica!
Both of those suggestions sound good. Thanks.
Jessica, I'm sorry about Dylan's respiratory system problems. Hopefully he'll grow out of it like CJ did.
I haz dad update! The infection is all gone and the bone is regenerating! More importantly, he's able to do away with the neck collar and the lymphatic sleeve! They're now at a point where they are aggressively rehabbing him (about time!) so he's apparently making some pretty good progress pretty quickly. I am guessing he's in a completely different state than when I saw him just a month ago. Still has some problems, and probably still a very long way to go, but it's very exciting nonetheless. They've got a driving simulator at the hospital and he did pretty well, so he's eager to try a little driving on empty roads. This in and of itself will probably help him do so much better with healing. He really misses driving.
Fay, good luck with your dating adventures! I am sorry it gives you such agita, but I can't imagine someone not being charmed by you.
Gronk. Okay, finally home from work and have sent off the requisite update e-mails and placed the needed orders. I think I can crash for a few hours before I lock myself down behind ProTools for the afternoon to get the audio for Toy Story The Musical roughed in.
I haz dad update! The infection is all gone and the bone is regenerating!
Go, bone, go! (Or rather -- GROW, bone, grow!)
That's excellent news!
d, that's great news about your father!
Jessica, I hope that the wee bairn breathes easy soon.
d, that is fantastic news!
my own good news, although not nearly as good, is that my car is supposedly being painted today and will be ready on Monday (or maybe Tuesday)!
my car is supposedly being painted today and will be ready on Monday (or maybe Tuesday)!
you would gladly pay them on Tuesday for a car today...
Our office is being remodeled at the moment so no one can do any work. I'm doing no work in solidarity even though my office is the one bit not being remodeled.
Also, remember that whole licence problem where the guy in the museum didn't believe I can do my job? Apparently it's because the woman I replaced in this job is a big heaving bitch who's friends with the guy in the museum. ARGH.
d that is awesome news!!!
So, i must say, for a budget motel, this place is good! Never heard of Microtel inn & suites, but i'd come here again.