I almost was going to go with a DVR when I upgraded to HD, but I was able to keep my lifetime plan and see forward to features I really wanted (extensible storage, interoperability with my other computers and my old TiVo) and am quite happy now.
Welcome back to the real world, Cashmere.
Man, dilaudid makes me ITCH.
Man, dilaudid makes me ITCH.
Oh, yeah. Same here. It helps so much, though, that I deal. But, yeah. Uncomfortable city!
Cashmere! How goes the transition?
Tivo has more storage, plus there's My Tivo, which you can access online and other search features.
I like my dvr, but I keep running into storage issues, I record a lot of HD programming and it eats up the memory like crazy, especially if I record something but don't plan on watching it right away.
I don't have plans on buying a Tivo because I'm fairly happy with my dvr and I'd rather put my money towards something I don't have (like a laptop or a dishwasher), but I'll put in money for the raffle that helps a good cause and might win me one.
I'd upgrade to HD Tivo if I had an HDTV and could keep my lifetime subscription. (That promotion may still be in effect, I'm not sure.)
DH took D to the doctor this morning and we just found out he has asthma. Welcome to my day.
Oh, yeah. Same here.
And randomly! Some days I'm just fine the morning after. I took Benadryl before going to sleep last night on top of what I got at the ER, and more this morning, and I'm forcing myself to not be entirely inappropriate here at work.
Jessica--poor little D! (okay, just had to stick my hands in my sweater and assuage some itches). Is the coughing still bothering him little?
Is the coughing still bothering him little?
He was still coughing last night and after I left for work this morning (when they were both still sleeping) DH noticed that his breathing was a little labored. But moodwise he's been totally upbeat and cheerful - it never would have occured to me to take him to the doctor because he hasn't been "acting sick" at all. I guess it's a good thing DH is more paranoid than I am.
DH took D to the doctor this morning and we just found out he has asthma. Welcome to my day.
aw poor nugget and you guys!
Great at least that he's not suffering. Boo on him being asthmatic at all, though.
it never would have occured to me to take him to the doctor because he hasn't been "acting sick" at all.
Me, too.
I felt terrible after Ellie was hospitalized for 10 days with RSV/salmonella and I'd been watching her but kept dismissing it as "just a cold; what can the doctor do anyway?" Made me feel like a total shit mother.
Also, I took her on an all day two-ferry trip in the Outer Banks when she had her first cold because I thought "it's just a cold." Until we were stuck on crappy ferry for hours with a crying baby who was unable to nurse.
I think I've learned my lesson but it's hard to recalibrate for what requires a doctor.