tommyrot, I briefly nicknamed one of mine Miss Squeaky the Vampire Kitty when I first got her, as she was only active in the middle of the night (hiding otherwise) and she's also a squeaker.
But I got no help in full on naming, as I left them with the names they'd already been given. (Sam and Max as a play on some anime thing.) WindSparrow's Sammie posts always make me grin for I also have a Sammie girl.
I have gotten some of the billing spreadsheeted out. Need to do just a little bit more, and then I can go home. Theoretically there are fewer distractions here at my office than at home, but I've been here all day and haven't accomplished much. I have Buffy S6 disc 6 in my laptop, so I'm listening to the soundtrack on the French version while I work.
Good Luck with the RotoRootering, ND & KT.
Sorry, I meant to post in Natter, so that's where I moved the post/discussion. Also, I posted kitty pictures there. [link]
glad you had luck with OKcupid. Wasn't me tho who pushed it. I've had *no* luck with it. I think I suck at writing profiles.
ND & KT, I wish I could offer my place while I'm gone, but it's a pig sty and wouldn't feel right. The dust bunnies would eat you, being a stranger to the place and all.
Looks like my mom made good time from Escondido! Soon to LAX! Wwweeeeeeee!
tommyrot, I may be in love with your kitty.
Also, I posted kitty pictures there.
You bastard! I trust you to post links about cool looking vintage cars and bizarre things that nobody should look at. Now this betrayal. Et tu, Tomrot?
I am making NYC plans with Trudy right now AIFG!
Ooooo! Fun, Erin! When do you go again?
My feet hurt. Like whoa. Next time I think it's a good idea to wear new shoes when I'm going to be gone for 13 hours, someone smack me and remind me of the pain I'm feeling right now.
Also, I'm really pissed at my hospital. On top of keeping me in the ER for 10 hours on Sunday and basically doing nothing, they really did do basically nothing. My doctor had left a note on the computer requesting that a couple of tests be run. Then, when I came in I requested that the same tests be run.
Nine hours later, the doctor came and said that all of the tests came back fine. Only, they *didn't* run the tests that my doctor and I had asked for. Well, I mean, apparently they were requested, but the lab didn't run them for some reason. And the ER doc's response to my doc's asking about them not being run was something to the effect of, "Well, we didn't want to keep her there any longer." Um...isn't that a decision I should have been able to make?
So, my doc ran the tests today, but it may be too late to get back definitive answers. I'm all grrrrrrrrrry at the hospital.
I get there Thursday next, stay till Sunday.