I'm not going to be able to talk to the Associate Director today after all, since she's in a meeting over at the Other Hospital. Would anyone be willing to look at what I put together for a questionnaire response at some point this evening? Or, more likely, my tonight and any other time zone's tomorrow morning, since I probably won't get to it till after choir practice.
Sigh. And I was so looking forward to getting back into the scene I'm currently working on tonight, and I've been trying for a week to carve out time to respond to a really helpful and thought-provoking critique I recently got on the WIP. Damn it. I'm a writer. I hate it when anything comes between me and that.
I've resigned myself to the fact that I may need to go job-searching again if we can't come to a mutually acceptable vision of what I'm supposed to do. At least, "We had a new director come on board whose vision for the organization and my position is different from what I was hired to do," strikes me as a reasonable answer to "Why are you looking for work?" But I hate the thought of it. I thought I'd finally found such a good place, and I was planning to stay here for 4-5 years unless some external reason to leave came up. It's just so weird. I've literally had other staff tell me they think I'm the best thing that's happened to this place in years. New Boss just doesn't seem to see it that way.
I've literally had other staff tell me they think I'm the best thing that's happened to this place in years.
If anyone tells you this again, definitely ask them to say so to New Boss. It's a nice ego stroke for you, but it sounds like something that she really
to hear.
I'd offer to look over your questionnaire response, but since we're in the same zone and tonight will be an Emmett commute night I don't think I'd get to it before noon tomorrow, which is probably the exact opposite of helpful.
But, just, ugh. I'm sorry for all the tsuris this woman is giving you over what should have been a perfect job (with a side of ugh and bleah to Jess too, because you don't need that shit either).
Susan, I'm very sorry about the work crap. I agree with JZ--ask your co-workers to tell your boss next time they're happy with you.
Sorry to be all meme, but I know you're all dying for a plumbing update.
According to ND, the plumber came, said something about there being no outside access to the pipes or some such, collected $55 from landlady's dad (who was there to meet him since we were all working), and left. Last ND checked, we still had no working bathtub or toilet, and landlady's dad was still working on it.
ARGH!!! ONE BATHROOM, PEOPLE! ND suggested that I pee before I come home. This arrangement is really not going to work for me.
The thing is, as ND said to me earlier, technically she should be paying for a hotel. We can't be sans bathroom. But she's so good about everything normally, and this is clearly something she's actively been trying to fix from the moment we texted her last night. I don't know. We'll find out later tonight, I guess.
ugh Kristin that sucks. Swift resolution~ma (or swanky hotel~ma whichever you prefer) to you!
If it weren't for the fact that this place only has one bathroom it wouldn't be such a big deal.
I'd like to help, Susan, but I'm taking my mom out for her birthday tonight and I don't know if I could get to it before you go to work. You can send it to me and I'll try.
Plumbing~ma, Kristin and Noise. Hope y'all have some high bushes in the yard.
Susan, I'm available, for whatever my feedback might be worth, seeing as my line of work is not at all office-y. If you don't get any better offers, I'm willing.
Roto-Rooter has been called. Hopefully I will hear back from their dispatcher soon.