My post got et. Wah.
Good luck with your job stuff, Susan. How frustrating.
I'm having some frustration myself. I'm working on billing paperwork, and it's boring. But I need to complete it so I can haz monies in the bank. And work is SLOW.
In better news, I ran three miles yesterday and feel really good. It's amazing, given that I couldn't even walk for like two weeks after my first week of training. I have discovered a magical machine here in the office, and between that and acupuncture, self-massage, and arnica pills I feel great.
Susan--remember that you are who you are even when working a job you don't love. Really, it doesn't define you if you don't think that it does. Hec and Allyson are both published writers who also work in offices. The office work doesn't make either of them less of a writer and it doesn't in your case, either.
It sounds like both you and new boss are going through a shakedown period and those ialways nvolve a lot of assumptions and questions and changes. Filling out this description is a way to get what you want--more input into what you do and how you are seen, so take the extra time.
Go, d! And what magic machine, pray tell?
I'm sorry work is dragging at you, Susan. Do try to make time for a thorough response to that questionaire. Letting your boss know what your understanding of your job needs to be done. If what whe wants you to be doing really is something completely other, well, you both need to know that.
I think part of the problem is I only sort of understand my role myself. I mean, I've been here since June. I had two days of overlap with the guy I replaced, and then I just kinda jumped in and did what needed to be done. I never saw it as some kind of larger mission than just keeping the bureaucracy at bay so the chaplains can do their job. And I don't really WANT a larger mission. Really, was completely busy and a bit backlogged already. I'm just not sure how to describe my role, because it's just doing what needs to be done, and there are always different questions and needs flying at me from one direction or another.
I'm just not sure how to describe my role, because it's just doing what needs to be done, and there are always different questions and needs flying at me from one direction or another.
This is a perfectly valid and honest description.
t, We have something like this QiGong Massager. It has a vibrational thumping that stimulates the tissues for repair. Works like gang-busters too, in my experience.
Ooh, interesting. Thanks, d!
Ooh I get an official certificate of completion. It says I completed 2.5 hours of training when it was actually 2:05.
edit: and I wasn't wearing pants
I remember being in monterey when the fog rolled in. I was like "should we call the fire dept?" & my step sisters was like "why" "where is all this smoke coming from?" she laughed and laughed. Once I knew it was fog, quite amazing. Mind you i was about 12 or so.