Hooray! I finally got a Cook's Illustrated test recipe that I can actually make.
I didn't realize the breaking your ethnicity into fractions was a Chicago thing. My Mom is from Chicago but she totally does the small talk with strangers thing. Maybe that's just Mom but my friend John, also born and raised in Chicago usually manages to get the life story of every cab driver.
I think it's the strike, but I am earwormed with "Sister Suffragette" from Mary Poppins. "our daughter's daughter's will adore us... and they'll sing in grateful chorus..."
Unfortunately I just clicked on the video for Kenny Loggins' Danger Zone after following a link from Buffista Music. It's a bad day for earworms.
The only Southernisms I still use (I think) are y'all (perfectly good word) and "going to". Eventually I'm going to train myself out of saying "going to".
Sometimes I say "I ain't" but mainly to argue with people about its correctness. I maintain it's the proper contraction of "am not". Archaic matters less than correct.
I've never lived in the south but "y'all" is just too handy not to co-opt.
I use y'all and all y'all and all y'alls to the point where I have been asked where I come from. I think my other Californiaisms mixed with the y'alls just messes with tiny brains.
I also love the cornerboy usage "Fuck all y'all," although I don't use it.
I just got caught in the fall back, forget to change your clock thing. I dutifully changed everything at home but completely forgot to fix my work clock. Or my watch. I thought I was 30 minutes away from being able to go home for the day....but no.