Welcome erin_obscure!
Spent yesterday at the hospital with faux-mom and today visited her husband. Oh my. This will be hard. She's hating everyone for trying to get her to 'do things right'...like eat and do the pt that will get her out of the hospital bed and he's fretting about me using their car while I live there and spent a good portion of our time together yelling at Bartleby.
Sample: Him--Hey! Dog! Quit scratching fleas all over my house! Me, in a quiet tone--Gordon, he does not have fleas. Him--Why is he scratching then!! Me--His collar itches him. He doesn't usually wear it in the house. Him--Well...
This is the functionally blind fellow...or so I was led to believe. Bartleby was a good 20 feet away when he made the offending motion.
I get that, at 95, one has the option of being a concrete thinker, but his being a supreme grump is only getting worse.
I love them. They are wonderful, wonderful people in a very bad situation but...oy.
Also ridiculously 12 ("I've got wood for your sheep...heh, heh...")
And in retrospect, i really should have planned a way for my own wood supply, instead of constantly having to take other people's wood. But i guess that's one of the inherent problems in being a single woman, not enough readily available wood ;P
Welcome, erin_obscure! Considering who got you in here, we expect great things. No pressure.
Would this be a good time to mention that i thought Riley was the best thing that ever happened to Buffy? Much better match than Angel or Spike, what with the beating heart and all.
ok, sorry to tease guys. Silly kitty video clip is on home computer, so I can't upload it at work. Pfft. No fair. Must remember to do when I get home. Joss willing, today will be a done by 6ish day.
They caught someone drawing the swastikas. They're pretty sure that the person they caught isn't the person behind all of them, though -- just two or three of them
Aww, man. Yay for catching someone, but it's easier if it's just one person who you can be like "OK, crazy jackass" Multiple people is way creepier.
love the Settlers of Cataan. Am so goddamn tired- i think this cold is still kicking my ass, even though I don't have any actual symptoms.
ION- Dear Patriots: Hey! Remember, you guys don't suck anymore? 'Cause... I'm watching you play the Colts and I think y'all might have forgotten this crucial fact. Love, Nora
Would this be a good time to mention that i thought Riley was the best thing that ever happened to Buffy? Much better match than Angel or Spike, what with the beating heart and all.
No. I'm sorry. You aren't allowed to be sane and rational around here.
Upon mature consideration, I can see how, if Buffy were still with Riley, there would be more Spike for me.
there would be more Spike for me.
hustles Spike of to a corner....
welcome erin_obscure!
Cap'n Crunch.
Hil, I'm glad they got one of the wack-jobs. Hope they find the others. Whole situation is just ugly.
Bonny, I'm sending lots of good vibes your way. Patience for the situation and healing for your foster-mom.